同在中的喜樂Joy in Together

Joy in Humility


Kia ora everyone, I’m Thealyssa; it’s such an honour and privilege to be able to speak on

Philippians 2:12-18 today.

Before we dive into the passage, we’re going to play a game. I’ll show you a close-up picture,

and I want you to discuss with your neighbour what you think that photo is showing.




So firstly, what is this:


Ok this one’s pretty easy, it’s a rose, right? Well actually:


It’s a rose on top of a chocolate cake! To be exact, my mum made this for my 20th birthday.


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Ok what about this one:


Any suggestions here?


Well, it is a well-used toothbrush!


Ok how about this one:


Put up your hand if you thought pics crunchy peanut butter?


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Well this is the actual photo it came from!


What about this:


The Split Apple Rock formation in Nelson!


Ok how about this:


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I can see some confused faces here. Is it a painting, candyfloss that’s gone a bit off,

insulation fluffy stuff that goes inside our house walls?



Well it’s this! A stunning view of lake Pupuke, at North Shore Hospital, where I used to sit in

the morning enjoying sunrise with God before my shift began.

是这样的!北岸医院的普普克湖(lake Pupuke)的壮丽景⾊,我过去常常在早上轮班前坐


Ok last one, what’s this: 好的最后⼀张,这是什么

Pork crackling for Christmas dinner!


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So what have all these photos got to do with my sermon message today, you may be



Well, just as each photo could only be fully understood in context, the passage we are going

to focus on today only makes sense in light of what comes before and after it.



This passage begins with “Therefore” – indicating that Paul wants to connect what he is

about to say with what we learned last week. Let’s have a quick read of those verses again,

please open up your bibles to Philippians 2:5



“In your relationships with each other, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in

very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own

advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being

made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by

becoming obedient to death – even death on a cross! Therefore God exalted him to the

highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus

every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue

acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Philippians 2:5-11






So, with the breathtaking portrayal of Christ before them,


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as a humble, obedient servant, looking to the interest of others above himself, Paul then



“Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed – not only in my presence, but now

much more in my absence – continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling”.

Philippians 2:12


那⾥的时候更是顺服的,就当恐惧战兢完成你们⾃⼰得救的事; (腓⽴⽐书2:12)

Paul challenges us to work hard in this passage and today we are going to look at:


1) Our Part

2) God’s Part

3) The Past – Israel

4) The future – Jesus

1) 我们需要承担的部分

2) 上帝做⼯的部分

3) 过去—以⾊列

4) 未来—耶稣

So, just as Christ was obedient to his father, Paul encourages the Philippians to keep on

obeying as they have in the past. And what does he tell them to do?



1) Our Part – “to work out your salvation.”

1) 我们需要承担的部分—“完成你们⾃⼰得救的事”

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Now what on earth does that mean? This could be incorrectly interpreted as ‘work FOR your

salvation’ – come on guys, help more old ladies cross the street, read your bible 5hrs a day,

give more money to church, sell your clothes to the poor, and this is how you will earn your

way to heaven! But no, it is clear throughout the entire bible that this is not how we are






Many religions involve earning salvation – for example Jehova’s Witnesses need to knock on

as many doors as possible in order to increase their chances of securing a place in heaven, in

Islam the Quran says that if your good deeds outweigh your evil deeds then you will enter

Paradise. In Hinduism, one tries to perform pious activities to accumulate good karma

credits, with the aim of being reincarnated as a better creature and eventually escaping the

cycle of reincarnation. In Buddhism, the more you meditate and follow the noble eightfold

path, and accumulate good karma, the more likely you are to achieve nirvana.






Some of you here do not identify as being Christian, or you may be new to Christianity,

maybe you were invited along by a friend. The fundamental Christian message is unlike any

other religion. It is not based on what WE can do to become a better person, to earn our

righteousness, or reach paradise. The fundamental message of Christianity is that we can’t do

it. We’re not perfect, and no matter how hard we try, we can never reach God on our own. I

love this analogy that I learned from Brad. He said that our sin is like having a huge debt of

millions and millions of dollars that we can never pay. So God pays this price by taking every

bad thing anyone has ever done, and lays it upon his perfect son. Jesus dies on our behalf,

paying off our debt, the punishment we deserve. However, it’s not just that our bank accounts

go back up from being negative to zero. God gives credit us on top of that, his own

righteousness, so that when he sees us, he sees Jesus. This means that God loves us as much

as he loves his son.








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Romans 10 says: “for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Romans



Ephesians 2 says “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from

yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9

以弗所书2章说到“ 你们得救是本乎恩,也因着信;这并不是出于⾃⼰,⽽是上帝所赐

的; 也不是出于⾏为,免得有⼈⾃夸。 (以弗所书2:8-9)

In Romans 5 we read: “Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we

have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us.” Romans 5:1


好。 (罗⻢书5:1)

These are just a few verses that explain that we are saved through faith and not by our



So, what does Paul mean then? He says to “work out your salvation”. Well, God has worked

IN us something wonderful, when we put our trust in him, so now we are to work it OUT.



Paul talks about looking out for others, maintaining unity and humbly serving in Philippians

2:2-4 as we read last week. “…make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same

love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit.

Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each

of you to the interests of others.”

保罗在腓⽴⽐书2:2-4中谈到了关⼼他⼈、保持团结和谦卑地服事。 你们就要意志相

同,爱⼼相同,有⼀致的⼼思,⼀致的想法,使我的喜乐得以满⾜。 凡事不可⾃私⾃

利,不可贪图虚荣;只要⼼存谦卑,各⼈看别⼈⽐⾃⼰强。 各⼈不要单顾⾃⼰的事,


We have to work hard to live like that, because it doesn’t come naturally to us.

But we do not work hard to earn God’s acceptance, we work hard as a response to His

lavish, incredible grace over us.



Now when it says ‘fear and trembling’, Paul does not want us to feel anxious that we can

never be good enough. Rather, he means to do this with a serious regard. We aren’t playing

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games, Christianity isn’t a social club, but Paul wants the Philippians, and us, to see that our

lives here on earth matter for eternity!




Now some of you may be thinking, ‘Gee it’s hard though, I struggle to be kind, and serve

others humbly. In fact, I’m just thinking right now what I want to eat for lunch, I haven’t

even thought about what my husband might want.’



Well, don’t worry because we don’t have to do it in our own strength. This brings us to our

2nd point for today, that working out our salvation also involves:



2) God’s Part


Verse 13 says, “for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good

purpose.” Philippians 2:13

13节说, 因为是上帝在你们⼼⾥运⾏,使你们⼜⽴志⼜实⾏,为要成就他的美意。


God empowers us by his Holy Spirit – even the desire to do good, to ‘will’, comes from God!


To demonstrate this, I want to take you all back to an experience I had with my family in



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This is a photo during a stunning cycle trail called the Arrow River Bridges Trail. Now, the

first time I did this trail, I hired a mountain bike with my friends. The 2nd time was with an

electric bike, an e-bike, with my family.

这张照⽚是在⼀条令⼈惊叹的⾃⾏⻋道上拍摄的,这条⾃⾏⻋道被称为Arrow River

Bridges Trail箭河桥梁⼩径。我第⼀次⾛这条路的时候,和朋友租了⼀辆⼭地⾃⾏⻋。


For those of you who have never experienced an e-bike, let me enlighten you.


An e-bike has an electric motor which provides assistance to the rider when pedaling. This

motor is powered by a battery, and all you have to do is press a button and choose low,

medium or high power.

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This helps the rider overcome resistance, such as steep hills, strong headwinds, making the

cycling less strenuous and much much easier.


Now I can say, I am never doing this trail again with a normal bike, there’s no going back!!

With an e-bike I still worked hard, used my muscles, changed gears, had a good sweat. But

when it came to those big hills, instead of giving up halfway or feeling like my muscles were

about to explode, I simply pressed a button and got an incredible boost up the hill. During the

mildly steep sections, I just pressed low or medium power, which meant I didn’t have to use

my legs as much. Overall, the entire journey was much less tiring, I was able to bike longer

and therefore explore more trails, and achieve some hills which were impossible for me the

first time.







You see, power flows when we trust the Holy spirit and rely on him for our strength. In verse

13, the word ‘works’ in Greek is ‘energeo’, which means – energize, work in a situation to

bring it from one stage to the next, like an electrical current energizing a wire, bringing it to a

shining light bulb.



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How cool is that! God is working his energizing power in you! Both divine enablement and

human responsibility are involved in doing God’s work. We are partners with God, labouring

together with him.



I remember this time when a friend of mine required some help. I tried hard to help her,

bought groceries, drove her around, answered her phone calls when she was in crises, but

deep down, I was annoyed. I wasn’t truly loving her from my heart, I was just doing these

seemingly ‘good’ things because I knew as a Christian I ‘ought’ to do them. So I got down on

my knees and repented. I asked the Spirit to empower me to love her - because on my own, I

couldn’t. Sure enough, over the next few months, God supernaturally changed my heart and I

started genuinely wanting to help her and care for her.







I love how this verse says “for it is God who works in you to will and to act…” Philippians



的美意。” (腓⽴⽐书2:13 )

God is interested in our hearts, not just our actions! Maybe some of you can relate to my

story, but you’re thinking, “Man I don’t feel like helping my friend. I wish I could pray like you

and ask for strength, but I can’t. I wish I could, but I just don’t have anything in me


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Well I’d love to encourage you with this quote from a book called Prayer Vol.02 by Strahan


我想⽤Strahan Coleman写的《祷告》第⼆卷


“Some years ago a friend told me that he was

always longing for God because, even when he

wasn’t longing, he longed to long for Him…

When my soul is on fire with holy passion, I’m

longing for God with deeper grit and

determination. When I’m numb and nonchalant, I

ache for the passionate longing I once had. I

wonder if longing in its every form is prayer

enough for God… inviting Him to take residence

in both the full and empty places of my being.

Maybe longing, and the longing to long, can be a

starting place in those seasons when the idea of

our hearts being fully alive feels like nothing

more than a distant hope.”







Perhaps you could pray, “Lord, I’m not willing to do this thing that you want me to do. But

I’m willing to be made willing. Lord, I read in Philippians 2:13 that you work in me to will and

to act in order to fulfil your good purpose. Would you please work in me to will the things I

should want? Because my will doesn’t always align with yours.” Quoting scripture back to

God is a great thing to do too!





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So through this example, we see that I worked hard – I had to put in the effort to pray, repent,

and pray some more. But God was also at work – supernaturally transforming my heart.



Perhaps for you, working out your salvation looks like regularly getting down on your knees

and spending time in prayer, or waking up 10minutes earlier to read your bible in the

morning. Maybe it means putting in the time and effort to meet up regularly with an

accountability buddy, where you can honestly hit each other up about areas you’re struggling

with and keep each other accountable. Maybe it looks like going to a connect group each

week, even though in the evenings you’d rather stay cosy at home and watch TV.





The big idea I want us to remember today, is that “True joy comes from working out with

God”. And when I say this, I don’t mean that we are working out in a gym, and God is

working out on the treadmill beside us. What I mean is like the e-bike analogy – when we

work out, we are working OUT through God’s working IN us. We are cycling this race of life

connected to him, literally WITH God, and his power flows through us.





I’m part of a Christian group for working professionals called WorkLife. And through

WorkLife, I am doing a course called Leadership Development Process. During one of our

sessions we learned an incredible diagram which I will walk you through.




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We live our life, then we meet Christ, and as we grow as a Christian we grow more aware of

God’s Holiness but also more aware of our brokenness. This experience of the growing gap

can leave us desperate, and have choices to make.




Firstly, we can try harder. This limits God.


This leads to temporary success and pride, we start to think “look what I have achieved

through my own hard work” and then we keep striving for perfectionism. However what

that means is we eventually fail, and this leads to self condemnation and shame. We feel like

a failure.



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There is a 3rd option, and this involves humbly repenting and choosing to work out with God

– relying on His Spirit, pushing on that power button.



When we admit that He can do it and we can’t, when we ask the Spirit to empower us to

stay in His presence and keep in step with him, we work out our salvation – we become

more like Christ. We can pursue excellence without the pressure of perfectionism.

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Along with the examples I gave earlier, like putting in the hard mahi of praying or reading

your bible, working out with God also means that we ride the e-bike through every aspect of

our life, depending on the Spirit, moment by moment. A way to practically do this is called

Spiritual Breathing.




Exhale: Confess your sin the moment you become aware of it. Thank God for his

forgiveness, and choose to repent – to change your attitudes and actions.



Inhale: Surrender control of your life to Christ, and rely upon the Holy Spirit to fill you with

his presence and power by faith.


So, if “True joy comes from working out with God”, and I’ve already given a few examples

of what that practically looks like, but you’re like, well I already pray and read my bible

everyday, I confess my sins pretty regularly and ask the Holy Spirit to help me, it’s not that

hard, look at what Paul has to say next: “Do everything without grumbling or arguing.”

Philippians 2:14 Well that kinda hits us. ‘God I was willing to do a dozen spiritual things to

do your work.’ Well you wanna do God’s work? Stop complaining! Stop grumbling at how

late you have to stay at work, that someone’s always leaving the dishes in the sink, that it’s

always raining in Auckland. Our grumbling and arguing often reflects pride, that ‘I deserve

better than this’. It also reflects a lack of real trust in God.



难,看看保罗接下来说的:“你们⽆论做什么事,都不要发怨⾔起争论, (腓⽴⽐书2:14),





This links to our 3rd point today. Paul encourages us to work hard by looking to:


3) The Past


The Philippians have been arguing and complaining, which is why Paul addresses it here. But

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many bible scholars believe Paul is also referring back to the Old testament. The Israelites

had been rescued out of Egypt by an incredible multitude of miraculous acts – there were 10

plagues, God split the red sea, and he lifted them out of slavery. But then they complained:




“…For three days they traveled in the desert without finding water…So the people grumbled

against Moses, saying, ‘What are we to drink?’” Exodus 15:22-24

…在旷ᰀ⾛了三天,找不到⽔。 到了玛拉,他们不能喝玛拉的⽔,因为⽔是苦的;所

以那地名叫玛拉。 百姓就向摩⻄发怨⾔,说:“我们喝什么呢?” (出埃及记15:22-24)

“In the desert the whole community grumbled against Moses and Aaron… ‘If only we had

died by the LORD’s hand in Egypt! There we sat around pots of meat and ate all the food we

wanted…” Exodus 16:2-3

以⾊列全会众在旷ᰀ向摩⻄和亚伦发怨⾔。 以⾊列⼈对他们说:“我们宁愿在埃及地



Doesn’t this sound like us sometimes?

‘Aw man mum packed me a sandwich for lunch again!’

‘Why do I have to study, it’s not fair, I just want to go out with my friends’

‘Why is it always me hanging the laundry?’

‘Arggh that colleague is so annoying, why can’t he pull his socks up and do some work?’

‘It’s not fair, everyone else gets to go overseas on family holidays while I have to work over


‘Arghh Auckland traffic these days”

“Arghh, after waiting all that time and they forgot my coffee.”

The list goes on.










But as trivial as complaining may seem, God takes this seriously. In 1 Corinthians 10, Paul

describes what happened to the Israelites in the desert,



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“Nevertheless, God was not pleased with most of them…We should not commit sexual

immorality, as some of them did – and in one day twenty-three thousand of them died. We

should not test Christ, as some of them did – and were killed by snakes. And do not grumble,

as some of them did – and were killed by the destroying angel.” 1 Corinthians 10:5-10.


使我们不要贪恋恶事,像他们贪恋过的⼀样。 也不要拜偶像,像他们中有些⼈曾经拜

过。如经上所记:“百姓坐下吃喝,起来玩乐。” 我们也不可犯奸淫,像他们中有些⼈

曾经犯过,⼀天就倒毙了⼆万三千⼈。 也不可试探主,像他们中有些⼈曾试探主就被

蛇咬死。 你们也不可发怨⾔,像他们中有些⼈曾经发过,就被毁灭者所灭。 (哥林多


Yikes! Sexual immorality, testing Christ and grumbling are all in the same list. In God’s eyes,

complaining is a sin, deserving of death as equally as those other sins!



Paul says that if we don’t grumble or argue, we


will “become blameless and pure, ‘children of God without fault in a warped and crooked

generation.’ Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky…” Philippians 2:15-16


像明光照耀… (腓⽴⽐书2:15-16)

The word ‘pure’ here in Greek is akéraios – which translates to a word used of wine which

has not been diluted, metal which has not been weakened in any way. Have we become

diluted by the world? Do I find myself joining in with those around me complaining?

Grumbling and arguing are those insidious sins that creep in slowly, eventually diluting and

weakening our faith. However JD mentioned that Good movement pushes out bad

movement. Just like how in the Lies we Believe series we had to replace a lie with a truth,

here we have to replace grumbling and complaining with Gratitude! The next time you feel

like complaining, try thinking about something you’re grateful for. Complaining and gratitude

cannot co-exist.







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Do we live in a warped and crooked generation? Yep, it’s just as bad as it was in Paul’s day.

And he says that when we don’t complain or argue – we stand out! We shine like stars in this

dark world – people can see God’s reflection through us. People will notice there’s something

different about you.




They might say something like:

“Everyone else seems so cynical and grumpy but you’re different. What’s up with that?”



“You’re always so thankful. What do you put in your coffee?”


But remember, we can only do these counter-cultural things, we can only resist the

temptation of complaining, we can only have “True joy when we work out with God”.



Jesus himself in John says “…I am the light of the world.” John 8:12

耶稣在约翰福⾳中说“…我就是世界的光。” (约翰福⾳8:12)

and he also tells us “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be

hidden.Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its

stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before

others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew


然后祂还告诉我们“你们是世上的光。城造在⼭上是不能隐藏的。 ⼈点灯,不放在⽃

底下,⽽是放在灯台上,就照亮⼀家的⼈。 你们的光也要这样照在⼈前,叫他们看⻅


Jesus came as the light of the world, and it’s as if he’s passed the baton to the Church saying,

‘now go forth and shine’.


Paul then goes on to say,


“…Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of

life…” Philippians 2:15-16

“…你们在这世代中要像明光照耀, 将⽣命的道显明出来…” (腓⽴⽐书2:15-16 和合本


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How do we hold firm to His word? Read the bible! You may ask how much should I read it?

My answer is, read it more! And don’t just read it, mull over it, meditate it, memorise it and

hold onto it when life is chaos. Allow His word to seep into your veins, to become your

default brain neural pathways. When you go through a rough season, my hope is that verses

and truths will pop into your head and remind you of who God is and who you are in him.





However the phrase ‘hold firmly’ translates to ‘epechontes’ in Greek which can also mean

‘hold forth’. It’s used to explain offering wine to a guest. So we’re offering to others God’s

word on one hand, whilst living a pure and blameless life. This means both our actions and

words align – preventing us from being hypocritical.

然⽽,短语“坚守”在希腊语中翻译成 ‘epechontes’,也可以表示“提供”。它⽤来解释向



Paul says that as he does this,


“…I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labour in vain. But even if I

am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service coming from your faith,

I am glad and rejoice with all of you. So you too should be glad and rejoice with me.”

Philippians 2:16-18

将⽣命的道显明出来,使我在基督的⽇⼦得以夸耀我没有⽩跑,也没有徒劳。 我以你

们的信⼼为供献的祭物,我若被浇献在其上也是喜乐,并且与你们众⼈⼀同喜乐。 你


Here we come to the 4th point: Paul encourages us to work hard by looking to


4) The Future . Paul points to the coming of Jesus and knowing when we see him, our hard

work will not have been in vain. The drink offering in verse 17 existed in both Jewish and

pagan sacrificial customs.




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As the animal was burning on the altar, you would take a cup of wine or perfume and pour it

over the altar. This was a way of expressing giving ‘all’, everything. What a vivid illustration of

a life poured out for God’s service.



Paul knew his life was being poured out as a sacrifice, he had no idea if he was going to get

out of prison alive, and yet he counted it as joy. As we heard the other week, he said



“…to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Philippians 1:21

因为我活着就是基督,死了就有益处。 (腓⽴⽐书1:21)

Both are win-win situations! He wants the Philippians, and us, to adopt the same attitude.

Even in prison he could trust God’s bigger plan, his sovereignty, his greater purpose being

worked out. He put on those gospel-infused glasses JD was talking about, allowing him to

see how Jesus was working in every situation, such as enabling him to share Jesus with the

palace and prison guards.





We come again to the consistent theme of Philippians: JOY! As we’ve learned in week 1 of

our series, happiness is a feeling based on our circumstances. Joy is an attitude we choose,

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regardless of the circumstances. As Brad said the other week, Joy is found on focusing on the

destination, not the detours.




So Paul challenges us to work hard. But we have learned that this involves:


2) Our part – working out our salvation.


3) God’s part – working in us to will and to act. He empowers us like an e-bike. We realise

that “True joy comes from working out with God”. We can’t do it on our own strength.




He also encourages us to work hard by looking to:


4) The past – using Israel’s wilderness wanderings to remind us not to grumble but to walk by



5) The future – pointing to the coming of Jesus – knowing that when we see Him our hard

work will not have been in vain.


Before we conclude, I’d love if each of us could ponder on these questions for a moment:


- Have I been drifting on my journey of faith, hoping it would reach humility or servanthood

without me having to do any work? Do I turn up to church on a Sunday and live an

indifferent life on Monday to Friday?



- What do I need to do to work out my salvation? Spiritual breathing, praying regularly,

morning devotions, fasting, going to connect group…etc?


- Am I working hard on my own strength? Do I struggle with pride & perfectionism, or

shame and self-contempt?



- Is there something that God wants me to do but I’m not willing to?


- What/who do I find myself complaining most about? What can I be grateful for instead?


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- Am I filling my life with God’s word? Am I offering it to those around me?


- If I died tomorrow, can I say that I have run this race well, that I have given my all to God?


We all have a story. Some of us hear Paul’s story and think, “Man I don’t know if I could ever

endure what you endured.”



God wants more for you than just the endurance of where you’re at right now. He wants to

work in and through you such a confidence in His overarching plan, that you can even be

glad and rejoice in what God has done, what he is doing and what he wants to do in your





We all love a sermon that is practical. We want to see how Christianity actually works in day

to day life. When we read this passage we see a bunch of things to do: I need to work out my

salvation. I need to recognize God’s work in me. I need to stop arguing. I need to be

blameless and shine like a light in this dark generation, that is on my to do list. However, if

you walk out of here with that to-do list in your hand, it’ll lead to defeat ultimately. Unless

you put a very important item on TOP of the list – Receive the humble and exalted Jesus

spoken of in the previous verses.







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If you think the main message of the bible is ‘Try harder to be a good person!’, you’re gonna

walk out of here defeated, or proud, or both.



As Christians, we are called to live a certain way. To work out our faith, to become more like

Christ. But say it with me: “True joy comes from working out with God”.



It is only through walking in step with the Spirit, by pressing that button on the e-bike, that

we can live a joy-filled life that shines in the darkness.



Finally dear friends, please don’t do this journey alone. Not only do we need an e-bike to

survive and thrive during this journey of life, we need to journey with others.



This picture shows a term called drafting – riding close behind another rider protects the

cyclist from the wind, enabling that rider to use less effort. By taking turns, the riders help

each other, and studies have shown riding in a group can save up to 40% of a rider’s energy!

Straight after this passage you’ll see that Paul sends Timothy to encourage the Philippians,

and the Philippians send Epaphroditus to financially support Paul. These 2 guys are amazing

examples of what it looks like to work out our salvation, humbly serving others.






So think about who you would like to have as your accountability buddy, and then make sure

to message them after the service. If would like to join a connect group, which I highly

recommend, please come up to the welcome desk in the foyer after the service and let us


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Let us pray.


Dear Lord, whatever transformation you started in me when I surrendered my life to you, I

want that transformation to extend to every aspect of my life and bring glory to you. Would

you work in me to want to do your will, and then energize me to put it into action? Would

you help me to pray, to read my bible, to walk with you? I can’t do this alone anymore. I

confess that I struggle so often with pride, grumbling and self-condemnation. Holy Spirit,

would you empower me to resist temptation, to shine in this dark world, and would you grow

a deeper joy inside me.







And Lord, some of us here don’t know you. We wouldn’t call ourselves Christians. But today,

something has touched my heart. And I want to experience the joy that Paul had. Lord, would

you come into my life, forgive me, and rescue me. I acknowledge that Jesus is God, that he

died in my place, and rose again. Would you become my Saviour, my father, the ruler of my

life? I want to know you personally. I’m sorry for all my sin. Please come and take first place

in my life.







If you’ve just said that last prayer, please come up to the front to our prayer team at the end

of the service, or if you’re online, please click on the button at the end of this service

indicating you would like prayer. We would love to give you some resources to help you

along this exciting new journey, and pray with you.




Let’s stand together and sing praise and thanks to our amazing God.



不想要的礼物 The unwanted gift


謙卑中的喜樂Joy in Humility