Gracecity Flat Bush

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Baverstock Oaks School (21 Baverstock Road, Flat Bush)


Gracecity Flat Bush Lead Pastor

Steve Young

Steve is married to Robyn and they have twin adult sons, Adam and Carl.

Steve was raised in a non-churchgoing home, so didn’t attend church until he was 20 years old. His journey to faith at that time has given Steve some insight into how the church is viewed from outside, a love for sharing the good news about Jesus, as well as a keenness for encouraging Christians with the evidence for what they believe.

In his words, there is nothing more important and no better news than telling others about God.

Since completing two years theological study in the mid 1990’s, Steve has taught in different churches and run various courses for people who want to understand what Christianity is about. He was also a foundation member of Gracecity East when it was first planted as BotanyLife in 2004.

Prior to joining the Gracecity staff team, Steve had a career as a Chartered Accountant. In that time, he was also involved in church leadership and served on the board of a charity providing scholarships for Filipino students to attend university.

As well as a love for reading, Steve will grab any chance to get outside - especially running (long distances, slowly), tramping (up mountains, slowly) and fishing (even catching some once in a while). 

Next Steps

We are all in this together. Whether you’re ready to follow Jesus, find a small group to do life with or want to make a difference, we’re here for you and can help you take your next step.