不想要的礼物 The unwanted gift

The unwanted gift


Have you ever received an unwanted gift?

Perhaps an unwanted birthday gift? Or an unwanted Christmas gift?

Trademe says that 49% of us receive something unwanted every Christmas. Based on our population

size, that’s over 2.5 million unwanted gifts! Every year. At Christmas alone.





We’ve all received gifts when we say to ourselves: ‘What am I going to do with this?’ Perhaps you’ve

hidden a painting or figurine in a cupboard and pull it out should that person ever come around.

The first gift my wife received from me would have been in this category. We had been dating for 6

months so most guys would have known it was time for something romantic. Perhaps a white gold

necklace or Stirling silver earrings.

Want to know what Robyn received from me? A $30 book voucher. To the Christian book shop.






As you can tell, I’ve had a lot of learning to do over the years.

Today – we kick off a new series about a gift that nobody wants—the gift of pain. Even talking about

pain as a gift seems bizarre doesn’t it—how can pain be a gift? How can suffering be a gift? Calling

pain and suffering a gift sounds like it could even minimize the real agony and deep suffering that

some people go through—it can sound like we’re just placing a silver lining on something that is

profoundly hard. We don’t think of pain as a gift. No – the words we use to describe pain are awful …

horrible … stressful … exhausting … debilitating, and those are just the words that are safe to use up


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But one of the things we want to try and do in this series is reframe our understanding of pain and

struggle so that we begin to see them from God’s perspective and not just our own. We want to start

to shift our focus from just seeing our struggles with a human lens—seeing the difficulties and

hardships that we go through, to seeing pain through God’s lens—and beginning to see how God is

present in the painful places in our lives, how he works in those places, and how even in those times

of real struggle there are some unexpected gifts that God is wanting to bring into our lives.

This is an incredibly important series relevant to all our lives. After all, every single person will

experience pain and suffering. When it happens – as it does for everyone - it’s disorienting and

confusing. It raises all sorts of questions about life, about God.









Our series is going to be based around a particular passage in the New Testament in which the

Apostle Paul describe what he calls a ‘thorn in his flesh.’ It’s in 2 Corinthians 12:1-10. We’ll be

revisiting this passage each week throughout the series.

The series is part of our annual collective series between Gracecity, and Shore Community – a

collective we began a couple of years ago in our Mosaic Series and last year in our Royal series. This

one is going to be a shorter series - four weeks.



这个系列是我们Gracecity和Shore Community教会之间的年度联合系列的⼀部分——这个联合系



This series is based on a book by the same name, by Rowland Forman. I certainly recommend you get

hold of a copy in the foyer. Rowland is one of our dear congregation members. He is also the father2 of 20

in-law of Brad Carr. This is a book, and a series, about how God works in our lives through those

winter moments, the struggles and sufferings. Rowland first began writing 16 years ago. During that

time, he experienced his own pain. To start off we’re going to watch a short video by Rowland Forman

talking about this book and why he wrote it.

这个系列是基于罗兰德·福尔曼(Rowland Forman)的同名书籍创作的。






So this morning we are going to start by just walking through Paul’s story in this passage, and listening

in as Paul describes his experience of suffering. Each of us has a story. Let me read Paul’s story:



I must go on boasting. Although there is nothing to be gained, I will go on to visions and

revelations from the Lord. 2 I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to

the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know—God

knows. 3 And I know that this man—whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know,

but God knows—4 was caught up to paradise and heard inexpressible things, things that no

one is permitted to tell. 5 I will boast about a man like that, but I will not boast about myself,

except about my weaknesses. 6 Even if I should choose to boast, I would not be a

fool, because I would be speaking the truth. But I refrain, so no one will think more of me than

is warranted by what I do or say, 7 or because of these surpassingly great

revelations. Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in

my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me.8 Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take

it away from me. 9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made

perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that

Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in

insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong./ 2

Corinthians 12:1-10

虽然⾃夸⽆益,我还是不得不夸。我现在要提到主的异象和启示。 我认识⼀个在基督⾥的⼈,


知道。 我认识的这样的⼀个⼈—或在身内,或在身外,我都不知道,只有上帝知道— 他被提

到乐园⾥,听⻅隐秘的⾔语,是⼈不可说的。 为这⼈,我要夸⼝;但是为我⾃⼰,除了我的软

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弱以外,我并不夸⼝。 就是我愿意夸⼝也不算狂,因为我会说实话;只是我绝⼝不谈,恐怕有

⼈把我看得太⾼了,过于他在我身上所看⻅所听⻅的; ⼜恐怕我因所得的启示太⾼深,就过于

⾼抬⾃⼰,所以有⼀根刺加在我身上,就是撒但的差役来折磨我,免得我过于⾼抬⾃⼰。 为了

这事,我曾三次求主使这根刺离开我。 他对我说:“我的恩典是够你⽤的,因为我的能⼒是在

⼈的软弱上显得完全。”所以,我更喜欢夸耀⾃⼰的软弱,好使基督的能⼒覆庇我。 为基督的



It’s quite a story isn’t it? From a vision of heaven to a hellish experience of pain.

I want to unpack the story and why it is that Paul came to see his pain as a gift.

“Therefore in order to stop me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in the flesh, a

messenger of Satan to torment me.”




What was this ‘thorn in the flesh’ that Paul experienced?

The Greek word for thorn is skolops = ‘that which is pointed.’ It can refer to something sharp like a

fishing hook, a javelin, a sharp stake in the ground, a nasty splinter, or a rosebush thorn.

As a kid, I had a couple of trips to the emergency department because of splinters. One was right

under the finger nail. The other a metal splinter in my eye. If Paul is using that as an image – it’s

certainly appropriate to describe something incredibly irritating.

Of course, sometimes pain is more like a sharp stake driven through your body – the crushing news of

a terminal illness, the loss of a loved one, an unending conflict.


希腊语中“刺”的词是“skolops” = “尖锐之物”。它可以指尖锐的东⻄,⽐如⻥钩、标枪、地上的






Paul is talking about a huge splinter or stake that is driven into his flesh.

Paul is using the idea of a thorn as a metaphor about a particular and ongoing struggle he faces.

I guess our first question is: what was Paul’s thorn in the flesh?

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There has been a huge amount of debate and discussion among Bible scholars for twenty centuries (!)

about what exactly was Paul’s thorn.





“Thorn in the flesh” – was it a temptation?

Paul’s thorn in the flesh may have been some form of temptation to sin—whether lust or anger or

greed or envy, or something else—some temptation that constantly plagued Paul, that he continually

battled against.

Some people think the thorn is evidence that Paul wasn’t married and struggled with sexual

temptation. Other people think it’s evidence that Paul was married—I’ll leave you to figure that one







“Thorn in the flesh” – was it a physical injury /condition?

It could have been a physical injury or condition that Paul had, or a sickness that he encountered like

malaria, which was common in the ancient world. It may have been an eye problem that just

wouldn’t go away.

Elsewhere Paul writes:





“As you know, it was because of an illness that I first preached the gospel to you, and even though

my illness was a trial to you, you did not treat me with contempt or scorn. … I can testify that, if you

could have done so, you would have torn out your eyes and given them to me.”/ Galatians 4:13-14

你们知道,我因为身体有疾病才有第⼀次传福⾳给你们的机会。 虽然你们为我身体的缘故受试

炼,却没有轻看我,也没有厌弃我,反倒接待我如同上帝的使者,如同基督耶稣。 (加拉太书


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Some suggest constant migraines, a speech impediment, epilepsy, malaria.

“Thorn in the flesh” – was it a struggle with mental health?

Or maybe it was a struggle with mental health—Paul certainly talks about times of anguish and fear

and discouragement—he may have struggled with anxiety or depression or some other kind of

mental illness.





“Thorn in the flesh” – was it a relational issue?

Paul’s thorn in the flesh could have been a relational issue—a falling out with someone close to him.

The word ‘skolops’ – “thorns” was used this way in the Greek version of the Old Testament Scriptures

to refer to people that get under your skin.

Elsewhere, Paul mentions how a guy named Alexander the metalworker did him a great deal of harm.

(cf 2 Timothy 4:14). If you’ve been insulted, like Paul was, or attacked, or had your work undermined,

you might call someone a ‘pain in the neck.’ You’re not talking about osteoporosis. You’re talking

about a relationship issue. Perhaps that was Paul’s thorn.








There are all sorts of possibilities of what Paul’s thorn could have been, and there will probably be

someone connecting today who claims to know exactly what Paul’s thorn was. But the reality is that

Paul just doesn’t tell us.

To be honest, I’m glad he didn’t. If he had, then we would only tend to focus on that one thing that he

struggled with. But by not naming his struggle, and simply calling it a ‘thorn in the flesh’, Paul is

inviting us to connect our own story with his story, and to think about our own thorns.

The truth is that we all have thorns. We have all experienced things in the past that cause us pain,

most of us have at least one thing in our lives now that is causing us pain, and we are guaranteed to

have things in the future that cause us pain.



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Your thorn may be a relational issue:

• Your father abandoned your family when you were young. Your mum held you to an

impossible standard. You never feel accepted.

• A former work colleague muddies your reputation and you live with the continual shame.

• Your son or daughter keeps you at a distance. Or keeps God at a distance.

I’ve had my share of relational pain. It hurts deeply.


• 你的⽗亲在你很⼩的时候离开了你的家庭。你的⺟亲对你要求极⾼,你从未感受到被接


• ⼀位前同事败坏了你的声誉,你⼀直⽣活在持续的羞耻中。

• 你的⼉⼦或⼥⼉保持着与你的距离。或者与上帝保持着距离。


Or your thorn may be the absence of relationship—a sense of loneliness in our lives through not

having a spouse, not having friends, a sense of isolation, or rejection, or loss—perhaps this is your


Your thorn may be financial—the stress of struggling to get by financially, battling to make ends meet

and make it from one pay day to the next.

Or, your thorn may be some kind of physical illness, condition, sickness or injury that you or

someone in your family have, which is debilitating you and causing you physical pain. For many of you

– this is the thorn or, perhaps, stake in your life.








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And we know how the struggles of our physical body can have such a huge effect on your mind as

well. Your thorn may be related to your mental health—it may be the struggle with anxiety or

debilitating depression, the struggle with wounds of the past that haven’t healed for you, trauma that

you haven’t recovered from. There is a huge range in the kinds of thorns that we can be afflicted by.

Sometimes when people think of a ‘thorn in the flesh’ they think of it as something that has to be

some hugely severe form of suffering. It’s true - some people do experience severe suffering and

severe trauma in their lives, sometimes on multiple fronts.






But, you don’t have to have experienced major trauma to experience major pain. As Rowland unpacks

in his book: “You don’t need multiple thorns in the flesh to experience the depths of human pain.” It’s

easy to think ‘there’s always someone else worse off than me; someone who has suffered more than

me.’ And that’s true. But your pain is still your pain. Thorns - no matter how small they may be – can

still cause you deep pain. One of the many difficulties of pain is that none of us – doctor, parent, or

friend – can truly enter into to another person’s pain. It is the loneliest, most private experience.

So in this series we are talking about all kinds of thorns—big and small, short term and long term,

past and present, internal and external. And I want to invite you to be thinking about your thorns

through these messages and connecting them to what Paul says about his own thorn.



⼈;总有⽐我更受苦的⼈。” 这是事实。但你的痛苦仍然是你的痛苦。刺——⽆论它们多么⼩






Where did Paul’s thorn in the flesh come from?

If you look again at v7, Paul says, “Therefore, in order to stop me from becoming conceited, I was

given a thorn in the flesh...” That makes it sound like Paul’s thorn came from God.

It is certainly God’s work in our lives to prevent us from becoming conceited and prideful. Earlier in

this passage, Paul has been describing a particular vision that God gave him. He says that he was

caught up to the ‘third heaven’—that means the highest heaven, the place called paradise—and

while he was there he heard inexpressible things that no one is permitted to tell. So God gave Paul

this incredibly unique experience of drawing him up to heaven and giving him a little taste of what

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heaven itself is like. Imagine that—imagine getting a glimpse of heaven and hearing inexpressible

things in paradise. That was Paul’s experience.


如果你再看⼀遍第7节,保罗说:“恐怕我因过于⾼抬⾃⼰,所以有⼀根刺加在我身上,…” 这使







Paul knew, and God knew, that an experience like that could become a source of great power for Paul.

It would make him appear very powerful and impressive to the Corinthian church that he was writing

to. This would basically make him a Christian celebrity. Let’s face it—if someone had that experience

today—they would basically become overnight celebrities. There is definitely a book deal in it, maybe

a movie; Paul could be looking at a whole Netflix documentary series at this point. This is a big deal.

So part of the God’s purpose in Paul’s pain was to prevent Paul from becoming conceited … from

letting that experience go to his head. God wanted Paul to remain humble in spite of his trip to

heaven, and this is part of the reason that his thorn came along.

But at the same time, Paul then goes on to say something that strikes us as odd: “I was given a thorn

in the flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me.” So he explicitly says that this thorn came from





版合同,也许还有⼀部电影;保罗可以拍⼀整部 Netflix 纪录⽚系列了。这是⼀件⼤事。




役来折磨我。 ” 所以他明确表示这个“刺”来⾃撒但。

So which is it? Was Paul’s suffering caused by God or by Satan?

And the answer appears to be both. That might sound strange. How can suffering come from God and


Here is how Murray Harris, a biblical scholar, describes it:



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这⾥是圣经学者穆雷·哈⾥斯(Murray Harris)的描述:

“As Paul experienced his thorn, he discovered it to be both a gift from God and a tool of Satan – in the

first case, because it deflated pride…in the second case, because it inflicted suffering.” / Murray Harris

This is the paradox of our pain. One and the same experience of suffering can be given or used by

God and Satan.

“当保罗经历他的刺时,他发现它既是上帝的恩赐,也是撒但的⼯具 - 在第⼀种情况下,因为它

削弱了骄傲……在第⼆种情况下,因为它造成了苦难。” / 穆雷·哈⾥斯(Murray Harris)


The Bible tells us that it is the work of Satan to rob, steal and destroy. Satan is the author of all evil,

and his purpose in life is to bring us down. He wants to tear us down however he can, and to draw us

away from God by whatever means necessary. While Satan may not personally give you every thorn,

when you look at your thorns, his fingerprints are on every one of them. Even if it’s not Satan

personally attacking us, we can still say with Paul, this thorn is a messenger of Satan to torment me.

At the same time, while Satan tries to tear us down, it is the work of God in our lives to build us up.

Sometimes, in order to help us grow closer to him, God allows us to go through difficult times,

difficult seasons, difficult experiences, in order to teach us to rely more fully on him and cultivate

deeper faith, to build perseverance and stronger character in our lives.








That means one and the same experience can be used by both God and Satan. Satan is using that

experience to try and tear you down. God is using that experience to build you up.

We saw this in the story of Joseph – back in our collective series called Mosaic. If you remember his

story, it reads like a true version of the black comedy - a series of unfortunate events: his brothers try

to kill him, his employer’s wife falsely accuses him, he does extended time in prison for a crime he

didn’t commit. BUT, we read that all those low moments, that the LORD was with him. Right at the

end of his story, Joseph gives his own conclusion to his story: “You intended to harm me, but God

intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.”/

Genesis 50:20

In other words, his brothers were 100% to blame with evil intent. At the same time, God is 100%

involved with good intent. That is the mystery of divine sovereignty.

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要害我,但上帝的意思原是好的,要使许多百姓得以存活,成就今⽇的光景。 (创世记50:20 )



So, how did Paul respond to his thorn?

He did what you and I do when we encounter pain. He sent an SOS prayer! “Help! Get me out of


In v8 he says, “three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me.” / 2 Corinthians 12:8

Pleading. Begging God to take it away. And not just once. But three times!

“Lord, you gave me a tour of heaven so why would you give me this thorn? You gave me the highest

high, so why now this lowest low? Lord, take this away!”

Nothing changes.




在第8节中,他说:为了这事,我曾三次求主使这根刺离开我。 (哥林多后书12:8)





But Paul doesn’t stop praying.

“Lord, please, I beg you, take this away from me. I know you have the power. I’ve seen you do

miracles. I’ve been part of breakthrough moments in the lives of others. So, do it for me now. Take

away this torment!”

Still No answer.


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Does that make Paul stop praying? No.

“Lord, this thorn is keeping me from doing the ministry you’ve given me to do! Don’t you want the

good news to spread? How am I supposed to do that when I feel like this. Lord, take away this thorn!”

And God doesn’t do it.

Sometimes God answers prayer in miraculous ways. Paul had experienced moments like that – like

being unaffected from a viper that fastened itself to his hand.

But not here. Not this time.








We’re going to have a whole message in this series on unanswered prayer because if it hasn’t been

your experience yet – it will be at some point. Paul can vouch for that.

But while God didn’t answer Paul’s prayer in the way he wanted, God did hear them. And God did

respond. But He gives Paul a different answer than he expected.





Paul saw just two ways forward:

(1) Jesus could remove the thorn, and Paul could finally get on with life and ministry – removing the

disruption from this thorn.

(2) Jesus could leave the thorn, and Paul would be forever disrupted in life and ministry.

Jesus has a third option:

3) leave the thorn, but give Paul what he most desperately needed - the grace for a different way of

life that he would never have experienced without the thorn.


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(1)耶稣可以移除那根刺,保罗最终可以继续⽣活和事⼯ - 摆脱这根刺所带来的⼲扰。



(3)留下这根刺,但给予保罗他最迫切需要的东⻄ - 在没有这根刺的情况下,他将永远不会经


Jesus says to him: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” / 2

Corinthians 12:9

“Paul I know that you want this thorn taken away because you think it will be better for your life and

ministry. I know it’s not the gift you want but it will lead you to the gift you most desperately need.”

耶稣对他说:“我的恩典是够你⽤的,因为我的能⼒是在⼈的软弱上显得完全。” (哥林多后书




As Paul begins to understand that this thorn is actually a gift – he is able to actually say this:

“Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on

me.”/ 2 Corinthians 12:9

Remember, the pain hasn’t gone anywhere.

So, what was it that changed his perspective about his pain? Obviously, it all hinges on these words of

Jesus: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” / 2 Corinthians 12:9

So, what does this mean?


所以,我更喜欢夸耀⾃⼰的软弱,好使基督的能⼒覆庇我。 (哥林多后书12:9)



你⽤的,因为我的能⼒是在⼈的软弱上显得完全。” / 哥林多后书12:9


Grace is the undeserved favour to helpless, hopeless people. Woven into the meaning of the word is

the idea of a gift.

But Grace is not a thing, it’s not a commodity that God gives us, it’s not a box with a bow around it

that God hands to us and says ‘here you go.’ Here’s my grace.


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When Jesus gives us his grace, He is giving Himself! God’s grace is above all a person—the person of


When we first respond to Jesus, God in his grace forgives us and comes to dwell inside us by His Spirit.

When we suffer, Jesus says to us, ‘I have a gift to give you that is greater than the removal of your

suffering; it is even greater than removing your pain; it is greater than fixing your problems. I want to

give you the gift of my presence.’






I realise that our first response is ‘okay. Can you also bring the healing with that gift too…?!”

I get that. The power we want is the power seen in healing. Those mountain top experiences like Paul

had in his vision.

But, Paul discovers a different power that is connected to weakness, a power that rests on him.

Have another look at what he says here:






“Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may REST on

me.”/ 2 Corinthians 12:9

所以,我更喜欢夸耀⾃⼰的软弱,好使基督的能⼒覆庇我。 (哥林多后书12:9)

Do you know that word ‘rest’ is connected to?

It goes back to the tabernacle. During the wilderness years when the people of God had no

permanent hope, we read that God pitched his tent to reside with them. Wherever they went, He

was right there with them.


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Paul realizes that Jesus is pitching his tent with him, residing with him amidst the weakness, amidst

the pain, even with the thorn.

Earlier in the passage, Paul shares about the remarkable mountain top experience – seeing heaven,

the place where God dwells. What Jesus wants Paul to realise is that He is setting up his residence

with Paul in the valley.




Suddenly, everything flips upside down. Sure, Paul had been given a revelation of heaven. But he now

sees how heaven intersects with us - through human weakness. The first revelation brought him way

up high; the second, way down low. But it was this second revelation inverted his source of boasting.

Instead of building his identity on some areas of strength or experience, he builds it now on weakness

– on the very things which the world repels. Paul realises that hill top experiences aren’t just where

God’s power lies. Instead – it’s most seen amidst frailty…feebleness… pain.

As a result, Paul says he is able to delight in struggles. He even gives five categories of increasing

intensity of difficulty:







That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in

difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong./ 2 Corinthians 12:10



(1) Weaknesses - that’s the sense of incapacities we face.

(2) Insults – that’s the mistreatment by others, whether with words or actions

(3) Hardships: the experiences that squeeze Paul, forcing him to uncomfortable limits

(4) Persecutions: the afflictions at the hands of hostile enemies

(5) Calamities: truly overwhelming experiences, devastating circumstances

(1) 软弱 - 这是我们所⾯对的⽆能感。

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(2) 凌辱 - 这是他⼈对我们的不当待遇,⽆论是⾔语还是⾏动上。

(3) 艰难:这些经历让保罗感到被挤压,将他推向不适的极限。

(4) 迫害:在敌对的敌⼈⼿中所受的痛苦。

(5) 困苦:真正令⼈不堪᯿负的经历,毁灭性的环境。

Paul says that he “delight in” or embraces them. This is a tone not of resignation but of eagerness.

Paul delights in weakness because it opens him up to heaven’s blessings and strength. His spiritual

power surges forward.

Paul now sees that his weakness is not an obstacle to fullness of life but the very gateway to

experience God’s sustaining strength. The thorn is a gift that channels divine power.

In other words, The gift that we never want, is what leads us to the gift we most desperately need.






Nobody wants the pain and struggle. But, if it leads us to the gift we most desperately need – God’s

presence, God’s love, God’s sustaining grace – Paul says - ‘I'll take it. I’ll accept it.’

Paul says that God’s power is not made perfect by removing your thorn; Instead, God’s power is

revealed in the heart of your struggle.

We often struggle to believe that when we’re experiencing hard things, don’t we? What we want is to

be fixed; what we want is to be better; what we want is to get through this season and into a better

season. But God says to us ‘my power is made perfect in your weakness.’








Power doesn’t come once the battle is over, or once the storm passes. It comes right in the midst of


What if Jesus is whispering to you today, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect

in weakness. Will you let me show you? I realize it’s not the gift you ever want but it will lead you to

the gift you most desperately need.

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This is the paradox of the gospel. It is victory in the midst of defeat; it is honour in the midst of

shame; it is power in the midst of powerlessness; it is strength in the midst of weakness; it is rising in

the midst of dying. Death and resurrection go together in the gospel and they go together in our lives

to. It is in the midst of dying that we experience new life. As Paul says elsewhere, while our bodies are

outwardly wasting away, inwardly we are being renewed day by day. That is the promise of the gospel

and that is the sufficiency of God’s grace.









So this is God’s invitation to you with the heavy burdens you are carrying today. God is inviting you to

discover the sufficiency of his grace. Even while that thorn is digging into your flesh, God invites you

to discover that his presence is more than enough for you. Because it is only in those moments of

darkness that we can truly discover just how deep God’s grace runs, just how good God truly is, just

how faithful he is, how kind he is, how present he is to us.

None of us want to suffer; none of us want to feel depressed, anxious, lonely, stressed, fatigued,

wounded and insecure. None of us want that. And God’s heart breaks for us when we experience

those things. But through our unwanted thorns God gives us an extraordinary gift.








The gift that we never want, is what leads us to the gift we most desperately need.


The gift that we never want – the pain and thorns -- is what leads us to the gift we most desperately

need –

—his presence, his love, and his sustaining grace.


I realise this it takes a lot of time and space to grasp this. I don’t think Paul got it all immediately. I

don’t think we do either.

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I am finding four practices useful in my own life to help me realise that the gift that we never want, is

what leads us to the gift we most desperately need.






These aren’t some steps to eradicate the pain. But, they are practices to help me move towards the

realisation Paul had amidst his pain.


1. A weekly practice of Sunday Services

Through this series we’re going to look at three questions that come out of this passage, and out of

our experience of our own thorns in the flesh.

Next week, we’ll look at the question,

‘Why doesn’t God answer my prayers?’ It’s the question that never goes away. We’ll look at the

mystery of unanswered prayer and what to do when we feel like God doesn’t hear us.

The week after - ‘how can I live with my pain?’ That is, how can I relate to God and wait on God in the

hard time I’m going through?’

Then, the final week - ‘how can I help others who are going through pain?’ That’s an important

question to focus us not just on our own struggles but on the struggles of others.

1. 每周参加主⽇崇拜的实践


下周,我们将探讨这个问题:“为什么上帝不回应我的祷告?” 这个问题永远存在。 我们将探讨


之后的⼀周,“我如何在痛苦中⽣活?” 也就是说,在我经历困难时,我如何与上帝相交并等候


然后,最后⼀周 - “我如何帮助那些正在经历痛苦的⼈?” 这是⼀个᯿要的问题,让我们不仅关


2. A daily practice of reading the Bible

Throughout the stories of the Bible, you will find people cry out in the midst of every sort of suffering


Their stories give voice to ours. The words erupt with raw grief and anger, the sobs and questions of

real people in the throes of agony.

As I daily spend time in God’s Word, I find a better understanding of God’s presence in the pain.

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To help you in your own daily practice, we have a devotion that accompanies this series.


• Download app on your device

• Or go to the website.

• You can choose to play the audio when you’re too sleepy to read or driving in the car

• Or, read it yourself each day.

2. 每⽇读经的实践


他们的故事为我们发声。 这些经⽂中充满了原始的悲伤和愤怒,是真实的⼈在痛苦的折磨中发





• 在你的⼿机上下载该程序

• 或者前往该⽹站。

• 你可以选择在你感到困倦或在开⻋时播放⾳频

• 或者,每天⾃⼰阅读。

3. Joining a Connect Group

Our thorns can cause us to feel isolated, lonely, estranged, unknown, unloved.

But, we need others.

If you are experiencing pain – ask people around you to pray. Connect with one of our groups.

3. 参加⼀个联络⼩组



如果你正在经历痛苦 - 请让你周围的⼈为你祷告。加⼊我们的⼀个⼩组。

4. Praying and taking Communion

On your seats is a small card and a pen. We want to encourage you to write down your thorn/s.

Then, roll it up and in your own time place it on our symbolic wailing wall and take communion.

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Some of you have been to Jerusalem. If you have, I imagine you would have gone to the wailing wall.

Typically, people write a prayer and they roll it up and place it in one of the cracks. Think of this as our

symbolic wailing wall during this series. This will be a collection of our combined thorns and prayers.

4. 祷告和领受圣餐






Then, once you have place your thorn/s on this wall, we want to invite you to come and take


If there are too many people by the wailing wall, place your cards at the end of the service.

As we take the bread and cup, we remember another who suffered.

He too found himself crying out to His Father in heaven to remove it.

He too cried out three times.

Like Paul, He too didn’t receive the answer he wanted.

He was despised, rejected, crushed, oppressed, and afflicted.

A crown of thorns was placed on his head.

He went through all of that in order to be bring his power and presence to your life and mine.











如何与痛共处How Do I Live With My Pain


同在中的喜樂Joy in Together