Who We Are
Our city is beautiful but broken. God’s heart is for restoration and He invites us to partner with Him. We challenge division and participate in a community that empowers and equips people to live out their faith in our world. We see no line between faith and life, believing that at work, home and church, God is working in us and through us.
Multiplying Disciples
Everyone at Gracecity is discipling others to Jesus and with Jesus.
Multiplying Groups
Groups at Gracecity are growing and new groups are being formed.
Multiplying Leaders
Every leader is developing healthy leaders for the present and the future.
Multiplying Mission
Our local and global impact is increasing through missional community.
Multiplying Locations
Church gatherings are meeting in new locations around our city in response to God’s mission.
We Sit at the Feet of Jesus
Nothing’s more important than life with Jesus. We come hungry to him. We cherish reading and preaching His Word and His leading and empowering Spirit. Without Him, we can do nothing.
We Invest in the Next
With an eye on the future, we intentionally focus on who is next. We are building a discipling culture and developing emerging leaders. We invest in our children and young people.
We See No Line between Faith and Life
God has placed each of us right where we are. We are all about serving Jesus in every sphere - home, work, study, and church. We intentionally share Jesus with our actions and words.
We Clothe Ourselves with Grace
As recipients of God’s surprising and relentless grace, we choose to extend His grace to everyone. We treat others with compassion, gentleness, truth and love.
Everyone Has a Seat at the Table
We are a family from different backgrounds, places, and cultures, building deep friendships with each other. As God generously brought us into His whanau, so we reach out to welcome others to the party.
We’re Part of Something Bigger
We recognise it’s not all about us. What God is doing in the world extends beyond us. We love collaborating with and resourcing others in our city and beyond.
We believe in one God, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, the Bible, Humanity, Sin, Salvation, the Sanctification of every believer, the Church as Christ’s body on earth, the Sacraments of the Lord’s supper, and the return of Jesus Christ.
Our story begins in 1981 with founding pastors, Terry and Jayne Calkin. The baton of leadership was passed to Jonathan and Robyn Dove in October 2014.
As God generously brought us into His whānau, so we reach out to welcome others, and we want anyone who considers Gracecity to be their church home to feel like they belong.