One Days Wages

Are you thinking about giving as part of the One Days Wages Campaign? You can give via the methods below. In any transaction put ‘One Day’ as the reference. 

  • Automatic payment

  • Online 

  • Giving dropboxes



Here are the ways that you can give to God’s work at Gracecity.

If you need any assistance, please email us at

Automatic Payment

Account no.: 12 3110 0090469 00 (ASB)

Greenlane Christian Fellowship Trust Board


Auditorium Dropbox

Get a giving number

A giving number will allow us to provide you with a giving receipt at the end of the tax year.

One of the good things of living in New Zealand is that donations made to charitable groups (like Gracecity) enable you to receive a rebate from Inland Revenue of one-third of your donation (up to your total income tax amount paid). Once per year the government refunds this amount back to your bank account if you request it. For this purpose, we recommend that each person be allocated a unique giving number.