關於上帝的謊言Lies about God
Lies about God
关 于 上 帝 的 一 些 谎 言
In December 2021, NASA launched a new telescope into space called the James Webb Space Telescope. It is the largest and most powerful telescope ever built. It is designed to be a successor to the Hubble Space Telescope, which has been in operation since 1990.
2021 年 12月 , 美 国 宇 航 局 向 太 空 发 射 了 一 个 新 的 望 远 镜 , 名 为 詹 姆 斯 - 韦 伯 太 空 望 远 镜 。 它 是 有 史 以 来 最 大 、 也 是 最 强 大 的 望 远 镜 , 它 被 设 计 为 哈 勃 太 空 望 远 镜 的 继 任 者 , 后 者 自 1990 年 以 来 一 直 在 运 行 ,
Ittook years of planning and preparation to get the James Webb Space Telescope into orbit and the entire process was nothing short of miraculous﹒
经 过 多 年 的 规 划 和 准 备 , 詹 姆 斯 - 韦 伯 太 空 望 远 镛 才 进 入 轨 道 , 整 个 过 程 堪 称 奇 迹 .
Technology has come a long way from when the first telescope was invented in 1608 in the Netherlands. For hundreds and thousands of years before this people had been looking into the stars but never really having a full picture and seeing it clearly.
从 1608 年 在 荷 兰 发 明 第 一 个 望 远 镜 开 始 , 科 技 已 经 有 了 长 足 的 发 展 。 在 这 之 前 的 成 百 上 千 年 里 , 人 们 一 直 在 观 察 星 星 , 但 从 来 没 有 真 正 拥 有 一 个 完 整 、 清 晰 的 画 面 。
But through telescopes, we can and the technology now we can see how miraculous it all is and we can see more of God creation and the infinite wonders He has made﹒
These days you can buy a telescope for yourself (Picture of a regular telescope). It is quite easy and doesnit take too much. You can literally buy one from Kmart.
但 通 过 望 远 镜 , 和 现 在 的 科 技 , 我 们 可 以 看 清 楚 这 一 切 , 我 们 可 以 看 到 更 多 上 帝 的 创 造 , 感 叹 上 帝 的 奇 妙 大 工 。 现 在 , 你 可 以 自 己 买 一 个 望 远 镜 , 这 很 容 易 , 不 需 要 花 太 多 钱 , 你 可 以 从 Kmart 超 市 买 到 它 。
And what amazes me and | think is just so cool is how through a telescope you can see something that seems so far away and make it look so close and clear It magnifies something that is far away and shows it clearly. You can look out into the stars and you can see them way better than you can without it.
通 过 望 远 镜 , 你 可 以 看 到 很 远 的 东 西 , 它 们 看 起 来 如 此 接 近 和 清 晰 。 望 远 镛 可 以 将 远 处 的 东 西 放 大 并 清 楚 地 显 示 出 来 。 你 可 以 看 星 星 , 你 可 以 看 到 用 肉 眼 看 不 到 的 那 部 分 。
But what happens when you flip a telescope around and start looking at it from the other end?
Instead of getting this clear image, you start to get this distorted, unclear, smaller version of what you wanted﹒ It completely minimises what you are actually looking at.
但 是 , 当 你 把 望 远 镜 倒 转 过 来 , 开 始 从 另 一 端 看 望 远 镜 时 , 会 发 生 什 么 ? 你 看 不 到 清 晰 的 图 像 , 却 看 到 扭 曲 的 、 不 清 楼 的 、 更 小 版 本 的 画 面 , 它 完 全 缩 小 了 你 实 际 看 到 的 东 西 。
Last week in this series, Pastor Jonathan introduced us to this series and some lies that we tend to believe and today we are looking at some of the lies we believe about God.
上 周 , 乔 纳 森 牧 师 向 我 们 介 绍 了 这 个 讲 道 系 列 , 以 及 一 些 我 们 倾 向 于 相 信 的 谎 言 , 今 天 我 们 要 看 的 是 对 于 上 帝 的 一 些 谎 言 。
And what we do when we start to believe these lies is we start to minimise who God is. Its like we are looking at God from the wrong end of the telescope﹒ We are making God seem smaller than He actually is﹒
当 我 们 开 始 相 信 这 些 诛 言 时 , 我 们 所 做 的 就 是 看 低 上 帝 。 这 就 像 我 们 从 望 远 镜 的 错 误 一 端 看 上 帝 , 我 们 使 上 帝 看 起 来 比 神 实 际 的 要 缩 小 。
We are going to be looking at this idea that when we come face to face with these lies, when we start to believe these lies we need to Turn the telescope around to maximise God instead of minimising Him﹒
我 们 要 做 的 是 , 当 我 们 面 对 这 些 谍 言 时 , 当 我 们 开 始 相 信 这 些 诛 言 时 , 我 们 需 要 把 望 远 镜 倒 转 过 来 , 使 上 帝 最 大 化 , 而 不 是 使 衪 最 小 化 。
I want to talk through 3 diferent lies that we can tend to believe about God
我 们 可 能 会 倾 向 于 相 信 的 关 于 上 帝 的 三 个 不 同 的 谎 言 :
Lie #1 - God is a killjoy 谎 言 #1 - 上 帝 是 个 扫 兴 者
The root of this lie and where it gets fuelled from is right at the beginning of the Bible in Genesis 3,
the fall. In Genesis, we read that God has just made everything, and it is good﹒ He then gives us one command, humans can eat from any tree in the garden but do NOT eatfrom the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. There are all these other things to eat but you can't eat from this one tree.
God didnt give Adam and Eve this command to be mean or to be a kiljoy. He did it because He loves them and wants whats best for them.
God wasnt trying to ruin their fun and make life worse for them﹒ He gave them this rule to protect them and make life more enjoyable for them.
迭 人 流 唱 的 根 源 以 及 它 的 漢 失 就 在 圣 經 何 世 紀 第 三 章 ( 堕 落 篇 章 ) 的 开 头 。
在 创 世 纪 中 , 我 们 看 到 上 帝 刚 刚 创 造 了 一 切 , 而 旦 都 是 美 好 的 。 然 后 袖 给 了 我 们 一 个 命 令 , 人 类 可 以 从 花 园 里 的 任 何 一 棣 树 上 吃 东 西 , 但 不 能 吃 善 恶 树 上 的 东 西 。 其 他 的 东 西 都 可 以 吃 , 唯 独 善 恶 树 上 的 果 子 不 可 以 吃 。
上 帝 给 亚 当 和 夏 娃 这 个 命 令 不 是 对 他 们 不 友 善 , 也 不 是 大 煞 风 景 。 上 帝 这 样 做 是 因 为 神 爱 他 们 , 想 给 他 们 带 来 最 好 的 东 西 。
上 帝 并 不 是 要 破 坏 他 们 的 乐 趣 , 使 他 们 的 生 活 变 得 更 糠 。 上 帝 给 他 们 这 个 规 则 是 为 了 保 护 他 们 , 使 他 们 的 生 活 变 得 更 愉 快 。
This lie, that God is a killjoy, is fuelled by the temptation to do what we know is wrong in a society that thinks freedom means no restraints. Where there are no rules and we can live however we want Where we think that we know best﹒
在 当 下 的 社 会 中 , 自 由 意 味 着 没 有 约 束 , 人 们 明 知 是 错 的 , 还 要去 做 , 这 就 助 长 了 这 个 谎 言 , 即 上 帝 是 个 扫 兴 者 。 在 这 样 的 环 境 中 , 人 们 随 心 所 欲 地 生 活 , 认 为 自 己 知 道 什 么 是 最 好 的 。
But when we start to believe that we forget that we are created (pause) and loved by that creator.
He knows what is best for us﹒ The rules and boundaries in place are there for us to keep us safe to actually enjoy life﹒
当 我 们 开 始 相 信 这 个 谎 言 时 , 我 们 就 忘 记 了 , 我 们 是 被 创 造 的 , 是 被 造 物 主 所 关 爱 。 神 知 道 什 么 对
我 们 是 最 好 的 。 所 有 的 规 则 和 界 限 是 为 我 们 而 设 的 , 以 保 证 我 们 的 安 全 , 从 而 真 正 享 受 生 活 。
We can often look at the Bible and see all these rules that are set out for us by God﹒ All these things that God has said to us and be like “This is so unfair He clearly doesn’t want me to have﹒And if God isnt a Kiljoy then why dont we have the freedom to do what we want﹖ Why do we have to follow these rules?
我 们 经 常 在 圣 经 中 看 到 , 上 帝 为 我 们 制 定 各 样 规 则 。 当 看 到 这 些 时 , 我 们 就 想 说 : 这 太 不 公 平 了 , 上 帝 显 然 不 希 望 我 们 愉 快 地 生 活 。 如 果 上 帝 不 是 一 个 扫 兴 者 , 那 么 为 什 么 我 们 没 有 自 由 去 做 我 们 想 做 的 事 ? 为 什 么 我 们 必 须 遵 守 这 些 规 则 ?
It is important to remember that the rules and commandments given in the Bible are not intended to make God seem like a killjoy, but rather to guide us toward a life that is pleasing to Him and beneficial for ourselves and others﹒
重 要 的 是 要 记 住 , 圣 经 中 给 出 的 规 则 和 诫 命 并 不 是 为 了 让 上 帝 看 起 来 像 个 扫 兴 者 , 而 是 为 了 引 导 我 们 , 过 一 种 讨 上 帝 喜 悦 、 对 自 己 和 他 人 有 益 的 生 活 。
I love playing sports, its one of those things in my life that | love that | have to opportunity to watch and play﹒ Im a firm believer that if God really was a kiljoy that we would not have sport The fact that sports exists really shows me that God does want us to have fun.
But I love sports in particular though, | love football It's a sport that ve played for as long as | can remember
Now if you know me, then you know | am quite competitve and play like it. | play hard and play to win. That「s what | do when 1am out on the field. | try to play to the rules and the rules help the game a lot.
我 喜 欢 体 育 , 我 喜 欢 观 看 和 亲 自 参 与 。 我 坚 信 , 如 果 上 帝 真 的 是 个 扫 兴 者 , 我 们 就 不 会 有 各 样 运 动 。 体 育 活 动 的 存 在 向 我 们 表 明 , 上 帝 确 实 希 望 我 们 生 活 充 满 乐 趣 。
我 特 别 喜 欢 足 球 , 这 是 我 有 记 忆 以 来 一 直 在 玩 的 一 项 运 动 。
如 果 你 了 解 我 , 你 就 会 知 道 , 我 是 相 当 有 竞 争 力 的 人 。 我 踢 球 很 努 力 , 为 了 赡 得 比 赛 。 这 就 是 我 在 球 场 上 的 表 现 。 我 按 照 规 刘 踢 球 , 规 则 对 比 赛 有 很 大 的 帮 助 。
Imagine trying to play football without rules;
Imagine ifthere were just 2 balls being played, or you can just rugby tackle everyone, or you can pull out some wresting moves on the goalkeeper or you can have as many people on as you want
It would just be pure chaos and it wouldnt be enjoyable at all. The rules of the game help itto go well and smoothly and make it the best game for everyone involved.
想 象一 下 , 试 图 在 没 有 规 则 的 情 况 下 踝 足 球 。
想 象一 下 , 如 果 球 场 上 有 两 个 球 , 或 者 可 以 像 橄 榄 球 球 员 那 样 擒 抱 对 手 , 或 者 可 以 对 守 门 员 采 取 一 些 摔 跤 的 动 作 , 或 者 你 可 以 让 有 更 多 人 上 场 。
场 面 会 极 其 混 乱 , 根 本 不 会 令 人 愉 快 。 规 则 有 助 于 比 赛 能 够 顺 利 进 行 , 让 人 们 更 好 地 参 与 。
In sports, we need these rules and boundaries it helps us play properly, helps keep us safe and actually have fun﹒
在 体 育 运 动 中 , 我 们 需 要 规 则 和 界 限 , 这 些 帮 助 我 们 正 确 地 完 成 比 赛 , 帮 助 我 们 保 持 安 全 并 真 正 获 得 乐 趣 。
In the same way, rules and boundaries make life enjoyable and shows us that God loves and cares for us.
同 样 , 规 则 和 界 限 使 我 们 的 生 活 变 得 更 加 愉 快 , 向 我 们 表 明 上 帝 关 爱 我 们 。
The commandmentto not steal or lie is not meant to restrict us from having fun but rather to help promote trust, honesty, and integrity in our relationships with others.
不 偷 不 骗 的 诫 命 不 是 为 了 限 制 我 们 的 乐 趣 , 而 是 为 了 帮 助 促 迹 我 们 与 他 人 关 系 中 的 信 任 、 诚 实和 正 直 ,
There are a number of verses about fleeing from sexual immorality. Sexual immorality includes adultery, premarital sex, lusting after someone, incest, pornography and the list goes on.
But God doesnitgive us these ules around sexual immorality to be a killjoy, He does it to protect us. We have these rules so that we can have loving, healthy God honouring relationships. As Christians, we should be striving to uphold biblical standards for sexuality. Doing so can honor God, protect us from harm, and promote healthy relationships﹒
有 许 多 经 文 是 关 于 远 离 不 道 德 的 性 行 为 。 不 道 德 的 性 行 为 包 括 通 奸 、 婚 前 性 行 为 、 淫 乱 、 乱 伦 、 色 情 等 , 不 胜 枚 举
但 是 上 帝 给 我 们 这 些 关 于 性 不 道 德 的 规 则 , 并 不 是 为 了 当 一 个 扫 兴 者 , 祀 这 样 做 是 为 了 保 护 我 们 。 这 些 规 则 是 为 了 让 我 们 彼 此 之 闰 能 够 拥 有 爱 、 健 康 、 荣 耀 上 帝 的 关 系 。 作 为 基 督 徒 , 我 们 应 该 坂 持 符 合 圣 经 的 性 行 为 标 准 。 这 样 做 可 以 荣 耀 上 帝 , 保 护 我 们 免 受 伤 害 , 并 促 进 彼 此 健 康 的 关 系 。
In Ephesians 5:18 NLT it says
”Dont be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life﹒ Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit﹁
以 弗 所 书 五 章 18 节 这 样 说 ; “ 不 要 醉 酒 , 醉 酒 能 使 人 放 荡 乱 性 , 却 要 让 圣 灵 充 满 。“
1 enjoy an occasional beer or a glass of wine butthe reason why God commands us not to get drunk is notto stop us from having fun but to protect us from the negative consequences that come with excessive drinking﹒
This verse is a reminder for us to seek true joy and fulfillment in the Holy Spirit rather than in temporary pleasures like alcohol.
God desires for us to experience true freedom and have a joyful life, and He knows that alcohol can lead to destructive behavior and cloud our judgment This rule in the Bible isn’t to stop us from having fun but to protect us so we can experience a full life.
我 偶 尔 也 会 喝 杯 啤 酒 或 葡 萄 酒 , 上 帝 之 所 以 命 令 我 们 不 要 喝 醉 , 不 是 为 了 阻 止 我 们 快 活 , 而 是为 了 保 护 我 们 免 受 过 度 饮 酒 带 来 的 负 面 后 果 。
这 节 经 文 提 醒 我 们 要 在 圣 灵 中 寻 求 真 正 的 喜 乐 和 满 足 , 而 不 是 依 靠 酒 精 等 东 西 得 到 暂 时 的 快 乐 。 上 帝 希 望 我 们 体 验 真 正 的 自 由 , 拥 有 充 满 喜 乐 的 生 活 , 祉 知 道 酒 精 会 导 致 破 坏 性 的 行 为 , 影 响 我 们 的 判 断 。 圣 经 中 的 这 一 规 则 不 是 为 了 阻 止 我 们 快 乐 , 而 是 为 了 保 护 我 们 , 使 我 们 能 够 体 验 完 美 的 生 活 。
There’s nothing wrong with doing fun things with friends, family or by yourself. There is nothing wrong with going to play paintball bowling, going on a walk, or whatever else it is that you enjoy.
But if your definition of fun is sinning and not doing what God wants, then there is a problem. God wants us to have fun, he doesntt want to ruin that for us﹒ He is not a kiljoy﹒ But that is why we have these guidelines, these rules in the Bible because it shows us how to live lives that glorify Him.
与 朋 友 、 家 人 或 自 己 做 些 有 趣 的 事 情 没 有 错 。 玩 彩 弹 射 击 、 打 保 龄 球 、 徒 步 或 其 他 你 喜 欢 做 的 事 情 都 没 有 错 。 但 是 , 如 果 你 所 定 义 的 乐 趣 是 犯 罪 , 做 那 些 上 帝 所 不 允 许 的 , 那 么 就 有 问 题 了 。
上 帝 希 望 我 们 快 乐 生 活 , 袖 不 想 破 坏 我 们 的 乐 趣 , 神 不 是 一 个 扫 兴 者 。 圣 经 中 的 各 样 规 则 , 是 引 导 我 们 过 一 个 荣 耀 上 帝 的 生 活 。
Last week JD reminded us that the answer to each of these lies is the truth that is found in God’s word and in who He is﹒ And God’s word teaches us and reminds us that He is a good God.
上 周 , 乔 纳 森 牧 师 提 醒 我 们 , 揭 穿 这 些 谎 言 的 答 案 , 可 以 在 上 帝 的 话 语 和 袖 的 属 性 中 找 到 。 上 帝 的 话 语 教 导 并 提 醒 我 们 , 祉 是 一 位 良 善 的 上 帝 。
One of the many verses that really shows this is James 1:17 which says
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”
This verse shows us that all good things come from God, and that He is unchanging and consistent in His goodness.
In this verse, James is acknowledging that God is the ultimate source of all that is good in this world. He’s emphasizing the truth that God is good and that He is unchanging. Unlike shifting shadows, which change depending on the position of the sun, God's goodness remains constantand reliable.
God is not a killjoy, He wants what is best for us.
When we start to believe this lie in our heads, we start to minimise who God is. When we believe these lies we are minimsing who God is.
But what we need to do is Turn the telescope around to maximise God instead of minimising Him.
Flip the telescope around and look at scripture and be reminded that God is not a killjoy. Be reminded that He is good and He loves us and wants what is best for us and that is why we have these rules.
Lie #2 – God doesn’t really care for me if…
谎⾔#2 - 上帝并不真正关⼼我,如果......
And you fill in the blank.
- God doesn’t really care for me if… suffering comes into my life
- God doesn’t really care for me if… He doesn’t answer my prayers,
- God doesn’t really care for me if… He doesn’t come through the way I want Him to,
- God doesn’t really care for me if… or whatever else it may be.
- 上帝并不真正关⼼我,如果......(痛苦出现在我的⽣活中)
- 上帝并不真正关⼼我,如果......(祂没有回应我的祈祷)
- 上帝并不真正关⼼我,如果......(祂没有按照我所希望的⽅式介⼊)
- 上帝并不真正关⼼我,如果......(或者其他什么情况)
This is such an easy lie to believe. It’s one that we can believe almost instantly when something doesn’t go the way we hoped it would. But what I want to say about this is that it is natural to feel disappointed with God when He doesn’t come through the way you wanted.
Maybe you were praying for a particular job that you wanted and you were really wanting it. But then you don’t get it, you get overlooked for that promotion or job. You’re left with this disappointment that maybe God doesn’t really care about me.
Or maybe a family member has gotten sick and you’re praying and hoping that everything is going to be fine. Then all of a sudden it gets worse and worse and then they're no longer here. And you’ve been praying to God to heal them but that isn’t what happened, you can start to very easily feel that God doesn’t actually care. You start to get angry with God because He didn’t come through the way you wanted to. The way that you had been hoping and praying.
Or whatever the scenario is for you it is very natural for us to feel disappointed or upset with God inthose moments, when He doesn't come through the way you wanted.
But we need to be careful that the disappointment doesn't grow into a lie we believe aboutGod.
This lie, that God doesn’t really care for me if.. x, y z happens, grows and comes from the fact that we think we know better than God. When He didn’t answer your prayer the way you wanted it can leave you feeling angry or upset with God, especially when it was something you really wanted.
But when we examine ourselves, deep down, in those moments, we are angry or upsetbecause we believe we know what’s best for us rather than God.
Pastor and Author Tim Keller has a great comment on this in his book The Prodigal Prophet about this saying
“One of the reasons that we trust God too little is because we trust our own wisdom too much. We think we know better than God how our lives should go and what willmake us happy”
Trusting ourselves too much can lead to a lack of faith in God and His ability to guide our lives. But Tim is showing us the importance of trusting in God's wisdom, even when it may not align withwhat we want or what our prayers and plans are.
When God doesn’t come through the way we want, we do start to doubt His goodness and plan in those moments right? We can often get caught up in this idea that we know better.
But the truth is that real wisdom is found in trusting in God and choosing to believe that He is good and He knows the best for us.
In the Bible, we have so many verses that help us with this reminder that God is in control and to trust Him.
但事实是,真正的智慧体现在对上帝的信任,选择相信祂是美善的,祂知道什么是对我们最好的。 圣经的许多经⽂提醒我们,上帝在掌控⼀切,要信靠祂。
Proverbs 3:5-6 says
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”
This verse encourages us to place our trust in God and to seek His will in all that we do. We can be trusting Him, that He will guide us along the right path and lead us to a life that is pleasing to Him.
If something doesn’t go the way that we want that is ok, it just means that God has something elseplanned for us because He is faithful.
2 Thessalonians 3:3 says “But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protectyou from the evil one.”
Pastor Jonathan mentioned last week that the primary weapon used against us are lies.
That is what the evil one, that is what the devil wants to use against us. He wants us to believe these lies about God. He wants us to believe that God doesn’t actually care about us.
But God does care for each and everyone one of us. He cares for every single one of us in this room, He cares for every single one of us watching online as well because He is good and faithful.
We just need to keep turning to Him, remembering that He does care about us especially:
- When things don’t go the way we want
- When suffering comes into our lives
- When you’re afraid that your prayer may not be answered the way you wanted
- When things don’t go the way you planned they would
- 当事情没有按照我们想要的⽅式发展时
- 当痛苦进⼊我们的⽣活时
- 当你害怕你的祷告不能如愿以偿的时候
- 当事情没有按照你的计划进⾏时
Because this is just another lie that the devil wants us to believe to try and minimise who God is.
But as the same as the lie before we need to Turn the telescope around to maximise God instead of minimising Him.
Look at His Word, seek Him and be reminded of who God really is. That He is faithful and does care for us.
God wants us to remember that He will strengthen you and protect you.
Lie #3 – God could never forgive me
谎⾔#3 - 上帝不会原谅我
This is another lie that I feel we can all very easily fall into. That God could never forgive me.
That I do too many bad things or I’ve messed up way too much. We can very easily fall into this lie when we start to believe that God’s love and acceptance is dependent on our performance. So when we do fail and sin, His love and acceptance can be then be taken away.
We all have our own unique views on God and who He is and how He interacts and treats us.
If you grew up with a strict parent that is how you can view God. That God is strict and His love is conditional on whether or not you stay on the right path. You can very easily then start to believe the lie that your actions affect whether or not God loves and can forgive you.
Now that is only one example and I don’t know what it is like for you. But this thinking that God could never forgive me and that his love and forgiveness is conditional, fuels this idea for Christians that we need to live a sin-free life. But since a sin-free life is impossible it can leave people feeling like God is constantly angry at them.
I’m an overthinker, so if something goes slightly wrong or even just at random times when my mind starts wandering it can take me into some bad places.
And if you’re like me, when you start to believe this lie that God could never forgive you, it doesn’t just stop there. This lie can send you into an overthinking state where you’re also believing that God’s love must be earned, that all my problems are caused by my sin, and that God is distant and you need to earn His forgiveness again.
But none of that is true, no sin is too great to keep us from God. He wants to forgive us no matterwhat we’ve done.
I absolutely love how Rick Warren talks about God’s forgiveness and this is something that we all need to remember especially when we start to believe the lie and it’s that
"God's forgiveness is greater than any sin we could ever commit." - Rick Warren
I don’t know about you but I feel like I am the best person at messing up, like if there was an award, I’d get it. But no matter how much I sin or how much I’ve missed God‘s mark, His forgiveness is greater.
We may know the truth talked about in John 3:16 that because Jesus came and died for our sins
and that whoever believes in Him may have eternal life. But sometimes we just mess up and feel
like we are too far gone.
This lie that God could never forgive me is just so wrong. When we start to believe it we think that our salvation is based on what we do and on our own merit. But we fail to remember that it is a gift that is freely given to us through faith in Jesus Christ. We cannot earn God's forgiveness through our own efforts, but it is available to us through the sacrifice of what Jesus did on the cross.
The truth is because we are saved by grace, God’s love and acceptance of us are not based on our performance, it’s not based on what we do. But it is on Jesus, and nothing can therefore separate us from His love in Christ.
Romans 8:38-39 says
“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
因为我深信:⽆论是死、是⽣,是天使、是掌权的,是现在的事,是将来的事,是有能⼒的,是⾼天的、是深渊的,或是任何别的被造之物,都不能叫我们与 神的爱隔绝,这爱是在我们的主耶稣基督⾥的。(罗8:38-39)
Even when we do mess up and we all do, it’s part of being human. But when we mess up God still loves us, He still wants even in those moments. Because God is gracious.
No matter how much we think we have failed He still wants us. If we look in the Bible we have somany examples showing this truth.
Maybe you’re sitting there feeling like you are unworthy of God's forgiveness and that what you’ve done has placed you beyond the reach of God's mercy.
Maybe in this last week you’ve broken about 20 rules in the Bible and feel that because of that you’ve reached the limit for mess-ups.
Maybe you’re believing that forgiveness is something that needs to be earned and that their sins are too great to be forgiven. That you need to "make up" for your sins in some way before you can be forgiven.
But let me tell you that God wants to forgive you for your mistakes and mess-ups, all you need to do is ask. Because God is gracious.
God could never forgive me is a lie that the devil wants us all to believe, it’s one that I know I have thought about myself at quite a few points in my life. But the truth is that God is good, He is faithful and His forgiveness is far greater than any sin or any amount of sin that we could ever commit.
上帝不可能原谅我,这是魔⻤想让我们所有⼈相信的谎⾔,我知道我在⽣命中的很多时候都会想到 这个谎⾔。但事实是,上帝是良善、信实的,祂的宽恕远远⼤于我们所犯的任何罪。
This lie seeks to try and minimise that God is gracious.
But as the same as the other lies we need to Turn the telescope around to maximise God instead of minimising Him.
So as we finish let me ask you Which of the three are you most tempted to believe? And how will you think differently about it?
Are you tempted to believe that God is a killjoy, that we have all these rules because God doesn’t want us having fun.
Are you tempted to believe that God doesn’t really care about me if… x, y, z happens.
Or are you tempted to believe that God could never forgive you? That no matter how much you sin and mess up you are too far from God.
Whichever lie you find yourself believing hold firm to the fact that God is good, faithful and gracious. He doesn’t want to ruin our fun, He does care about us and He can and wants to forgive you.
So which lie are you believing? We’re going to spend some time in prayer now, so I invite you to spend some time with him before I wrap up and pray, this is just you and God.
Invite him into your situation. Invite Him into the lie that you are believing about Him because He wants you to turn to him. He is a good, faithful and gracious God.
Let’s pray.