As God generously brought us into His whānau, so we reach out to welcome others, and we want anyone who considers Gracecity to be their church home to feel like they belong.
Therefore we don’t have a formal process for becoming a member of the church – there is no interview and sign - up process. If you’ve decided that Gracecity is your church home, then under our trust deed, you are considered to be a member of the church if you meet the qualifications for membership described below:
1. Anyone who believes in one God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) according to the Scriptures and has placed their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and has the desire and intention to uphold the commitments as outlined below in these Qualifications for Membership may be considered to be a Member of the Church.
a. To demonstrate evidence of a consistent Christian life.
b. To support the Statement of Faith and to accept the leadership and oversight of the Senior Pastor and the Board in their governance of the Church according to the trust deed.
c. To contribute regularly to the support of the Church.
d. To be actively involved in the life of the Church, including regular attendance when possible (in-person or online).
2. For the avoidance of doubt, the Board will have final determination of who is classified as a Member of the Church. Voting Members wishing to vote at the AGM will simply be asked to affirm their membership as part of the registration process for attending the AGM. Each member has one vote. Please note that a member must have attained the age of 18 years to be eligible to vote.
Members of OUR Board