We're into the final part of Seismic Shifts. This next Friday and Sunday we celebrate Easter – and what a difference the historical events of Good Friday and Easter Sunday bring to us.


How exciting that next week we also launch our first multisite in East Auckland – with Summit church being adopted to become Gracecity East. How appropriate to have their first service as Gracecity East on Easter Sunday – a day when we celebrate new life and the power of the gospel – all appropriate with this mission to see that news spread around our city.

令⼈兴奋的是,下周我们也将在奥克兰东区启动我们的第⼀个多地点教会——Summit教会将成为Gracecity East。在复活节,在我们庆祝新⽣命和福⾳的⼒量的这⼀天在Gracecity East举⾏第⼀次敬拜,让福⾳传遍我们的城市是多么的合适。

So far we have seen 8 seismic shifts that caused this group of ordinary women and men to ignite a global movement.


Today we come to our last one: #9: Mission. When you’re committed to the mission, you sometimes have to change your strategy.


Today we come to a massive fight in the early church over a really important issue. There were two sides in this fight. On one side, we have a conservative group that Luke calls the ‘circumcised believers.’ They wanted to ensure the Jewish way of life was maintained. On the other side was a progressive group who were part of a new work of God.


If you’re new to our series or new to the story of Acts, it’s important to realise that the early church was very, very Jewish, because all the early Christians, were all Jewish. They had embraced Jesus as their Messiah. They had taken on board the teachings of Jesus, but for many of them - their consciences were hard-wired into what they had been taught as children. So consequently, they had the law of Moses and the Jewish way of life that they had been raised on. This included keeping the Jewish festivals. It included particular diets – avoiding things like pork. And it included circumcision – a little surgery that Jewish boys would have in those private parts when they were 8 days old.


As Jews, they wanted to keep these traditions that were core to their identity. So, when they became followers of Jesus, it was difficult for them not to mix and match. A little bit of Moses, a little bit of Jesus, little bit of Moses, a little bit of Jesus. A little bit of the old ways and a little bit of the new ways.


But, if you’ve been following along in your Acts devotions, hundreds and hundreds of non-Jewish people or “Gentiles” began coming to faith in Jesus. It began with a Roman Centurion by the name of Cornelius. Then, a church at Antioch was planted. This church in Antioch was primarily made up of non-Jewish believers. These ethnic minorities began to lead and spread the word about Jesus. The church multiplied with this wonderful ethnic diversity.


The Apostle Paul and Barnabas were leading this charge. Their message was simple: "The creator of all things has sent His Son to renew all things. So, embrace Him as your Saviour and follow Him." These non-Jewish people are like, "We're in, that's way better than paganism. That makes a whole lot more sense than what were taught as children."


Meanwhile back in Jerusalem, the mix-and-match Jewish Christians have heard what's going on in Antioch and they're like, "No, we're not having that. The Apostle Paul is telling these folks that they don't need to keep the law of Moses. They don’t need to keep these Jewish feasts and festivals. They don’t need to keep the traditions that have been passed down from generation to generation to generation. This needs to stop!”


So they sent their own missionaries to the city of Antioch to come in behind the Apostle Paul and correct what they deem to be terrible theology.


So, let’s hear the story Luke tells us in Acts 15:


“Some men from Judea arrived and began to teach the believers: “Unless you are circumcised as

required by the law of Moses, you cannot be saved.”/ Acts 15:1

有⼏个⼈从犹太下来,教导弟兄们说:“你们若不按照摩⻄的规矩受割礼,不能得救。” (使徒


Remember, Paul and Barnabas were saying – you don’t need to become Jewish or take on Jewish ways to be saved or to be included in the church. Paul and Barnabas understood that Jesus had fulfilled all the law of Moses. So, these Gentile believers just needed to follow Jesus. They didn’t need to keep the sacrifices or feasts or circumcision. No need to complicate anything.


But these Jewish Christian leaders were coming behind the Apostle Paul and preaching, "Okay, Paul didn't tell you the whole story. Unless you keep the Law of Moses you can’t be saved. If you're gonna be a Jesus follower, if you're gonna be saved from your sin, if you're gonna get the full benefit of His death on the cross for you, and if you're gonna be included in the church, then you have to go through a little surgery called circumcision. We can help with that. All ready for it?”


You can imagine the reaction of these non-Jewish believers – especially the men. They're like, "Wait a minute, they didn't tell us about that part. Where's Paul?"


So, there are these two groups of people have who have radically different ideas.


Luke says,

“Paul and Barnabas disagreed with them, arguing vehemently. Finally, the church decided to send

Paul and Barnabas to Jerusalem, accompanied by some local believers, to talk to the apostles and

elders about this question.”/ Acts 15:2


保罗和巴拿巴跟他们发⽣了激烈的争执和辩论;⼤家就决定指派保罗、巴拿巴和本会的⼏个⼈,为所辩论的事上耶路撒冷去⻅使徒和⻓⽼。 (使徒⾏传15:2 )

What question? The question of ‘does a non-Jewish Christian need to follow the law of Moses – with the feasts, festivals and circumcision – in order to be saved and included in the church?’


So Luke tells us about the debate. I love the way he sweeps nothing under the carpet. He brings up this issue in all its rawness and shows us the way it was brought into the open and vehemently debated.


He says:

Some of the believers who belonged to the sect of the Pharisees stood up and insisted, “The Gentile converts must be circumcised and required to follow the law of Moses.” So the apostles and elders met together to resolve this issue./ Acts 15:5-6


惟有⼏个法利赛派的信徒起来,说:“必须给外邦⼈⾏割礼,吩咐他们遵守摩⻄的律法。”使徒和⻓⽼聚集商议这事。 (使徒⾏传15:5-6)

Remember, while this is all happening, there are hundreds and hundreds of non-Jewish believers who are completely baffled by it all, thinking: "Wait a minute, you guys gotta get your act together. Paul told us, it was simple, it was by faith. He didn’t say anything about becoming Jewish! And he certainly didn’t say anything about requiring a surgical procedure!”


So, these leaders all meet to resolve the issue.


Luke highlights three speeches that craft a way forward.


First of all, Peter gets up: “Brothers, you know that some time ago God made a choice among you that the Gentiles might hear from my lips the message of the gospel and believe.”/ Acts 15:7

⾸先,彼得站起来,:“诸位弟兄,你们知道上帝早已在你们中间拣选了我,让外邦⼈从我⼝中得听福⾳之道,⽽且相信。 (使徒⾏传15:7)

“You all know my story.” He says. “You know I am as Jewish as they come. I used to pray that daily prayer from our Jewish prayer books thanking God that I was not born a Gentile. If you remember my story, I was in Joppa minding my own business when God gave me a vision that I was to go to a home of a non-Jewish man and talk about Jesus. This wasn’t my initiative. It was God’s initiative.’


Listen to what Peter says next – it’s a wonderful line. In fact, if you've had a bad church experience or you think, "Well, I'm just not disciplined enough to be a Christian." Or "I've got so much baggage." This next line comes from Peter who knew Jesus.


He says, “God knows people’s hearts, and he confirmed that he accepts Gentiles …”/ Acts 15:8

他说,“洞悉⼈⼼的上帝…以表明祂也接纳外族⼈。” (使徒⾏传15:8)

I love that line. "God, who is able to look beyond all of their pagan offensive practices that were going on among these non-Jewish people. God who knows the heart, is looking beyond behaviour and background and past, and baggage and their ignorance of the Scriptures, and he showed us that he what accepted them.


How did he demonstrate this?


“God knows people’s hearts, and he confirmed that he accepts Gentiles by giving them the Holy Spirit, just as he did to us.”/ Acts 15:8

洞悉⼈⼼的上帝把圣灵赐给他们,正如赐给我们⼀样,以表明祂也接纳外族⼈。 (使徒⾏传15:8 )

It is impossible for us to comprehend the seismic shift associated with these last six words, "just as He did to us."


“just as He did to us”

Peter says, "I was in the home of Cornelius – that Roman centurion - and I saw God do for him and his wider community exactly what God did for us 20 years ago earlier at Pentecost. And they did not have the law, they didn’t even know the law, they've never done anything to become Jewish. All the men, I'm assuming, Were not circumcised, and yet I saw God accept them just as He did for us. I saw the Spirit come on them as the Spirit came on us at Pentecost. God has thrown open the door to outsiders.


Peter continues:

“God made no distinction between us and them, for he cleansed their hearts through faith. So why are you now challenging God by burdening the Gentile believers with a yoke that neither we nor our ancestors were able to bear? We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” /Acts 15:9-11


“⼜藉着信洁净了他们的⼼,他们和我们之间并没有什么分别。 现在你们为什么试探上帝,要把我们祖宗和我们所不能负的轭放在⻔徒的颈项上呢? 相反地,我们相信,我们得救是因主耶稣的恩典,和他们⼀样。”(使徒⾏传15:9-11)

He says, “It’s always been by underserved grace. God is accepting them as is. Why would you add something unnecessary to the mix? We Jesus-following Jews must move in their direction. And we must stop expecting them to move in our direction. It’s time to put mix and matching aside and stop requiring people to take onboard Jewish ways to be accepted by God or us.”


That’s some speech! He sits down.


Then we read about the next speech – by Barnabas and Paul.


Everyone listened quietly as Barnabas and Paul told about the miraculous signs and wonders God had done through them among the Gentiles. / Acts 15:12

众⼈都默默⽆声,听巴拿巴和保罗述说上帝藉着他们在外邦⼈中所⾏的神迹和奇事。 (使徒⾏传15:12)

Remember, Paul had been on the other side of this. He was a dedicated Jew killing Christians before he became a follower of Jesus. But he did a U-turn. Barnabas and Paul point to the way God acted powerfully – through signs and wonders - even though these new believers had never taken on Jewish ways.


Then, we come to the final speech.


When they finished, James spoke up. / Acts 15:13

他们讲完了,雅各回答说… (使徒⾏传15:13)

James is the head of the local church in Jerusalem. He is none other than the brother of Jesus. When James stands up, and everybody gets quiet, 'cause James, "brother of Jesus."



“Brothers,” he said, “listen to me. Simon has described to us how God first intervened to choose a people for his name from the Gentiles.”/ Acts 15:13-14.

他们讲完了,雅各回答说:“诸位弟兄,请听我说。 刚才⻄⻔述说上帝当初怎样眷顾外邦⼈,从他们中间选取⼈⺠归于⾃⼰的名下; (使徒⾏传15:13-14 )

It’s really interesting here that James refers to Peter – who gave the first speech – by his Hebrew name – “Simon.” Some of you have cultural names given to you at birth but switched to English names when you came to NZ. But when someone calls you by your original name – its normally strategic, to remind you of your roots.


You see, James is as Jewish as they come. History tells us he was respected for his ascetic way of life and his regular participation in the temple services of prayer. In other words, he likes Jewish traditions.


But, this ardent Christian Jew has some revolutionary ideas.


He quotes from the Hebrew Scriptures – the OT - to basically say, "when you open the Scriptures, we see that the our prophets predicted this. Our prophets foretold of a time that there would be a New Covenant. Our prophets told us that Israel was established to be a light to the Gentiles."


Then, this ardent Christian Jew goes on to make a revolutionary statement:


“It is my judgment, therefore, that we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God.” / Acts 15:19

所以,我的意⻅是不可难为那归向上帝的外邦⼈; (使徒⾏传15:19)

That verse should be placed before all of us every single day: “we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God.”


Then, he gives what might seem a strange and random list:


Instead, we should write and tell them to abstain from eating food offered to idols, from sexual immorality, from eating the meat of strangled animals, and from consuming blood. / Acts 15:20

但是要写信吩咐他们禁戒偶像所玷污的东⻄、⾎和勒死的牲畜,禁戒淫乱。 (使徒⾏传15:20)

What’s going on here? Is he saying one thing and doing another?

这是怎么回事? 他是说⼀套做⼀套吗?

All four of these practices were associated with pagan worship in Antioch. James is saying, let’s make it easy for them to turn to God - and that obviously involves them turning away from idolatry and the pagan temple worship of their past. Because all four of these things were so much part of culture in these places – like Antioch – he highlights this so that it’s really clear that people are turning to Jesus and away from their past idolatry.


Luke finishes his story by highlighting the unity that was experienced in such an intensely trying time

“For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay no greater burden on you…” / Acts 15:28


因为圣灵和我们决定除了这⼏件重要的事,不将别的重担放在你们身上, (使徒⾏传15:28)

As a result, the gospel continued to be proclaimed. It grew rapidly among non-Jewish people.


This is seismic shift #9: Mission. When you’re committed to the mission, you sometimes have to change your strategy.


What do we do with all this today? I haven't heard anyone requiring people to be circumcised or to keep Jewish feasts in order to be included by God or welcomed by Gracecity.


What I regularly find though is confusion between methods and mission.


If there is a warning for us today, it’s this: Don’t confuse methods with the mission.


For these Jewish people, their methods and practices were good. They had served them well. Unfortunately, they confused the methods with the mission. And they lost sight of the purpose behind the feasts and festivals. Instead of seeing the way these pointed to Jesus, they focused instead on their practice of them. It was confusing people. It was becoming an unnecessary and dangerous barrier.


The early church had to make a decision: are we married to our mission or are married to our practices? Thankfully they realised that practices like circumcision were designed for the Jewish people to realise they were a distinctive community. But, it was never intended to become the defining matter of faith. So, they accepted a new way of being the Church, married to the mission, not the method.


Jesus encountered this same confusion between methods and mission. It’s why he found himself in continual conflict with the Pharisees. The Pharisees hated the way Jesus would heal on the sabbath. Jesus got into so many debates with them over the issues. At the end of another ‘what’s appropriate sabbath behaviour’ debate, Jesus said:


“The Sabbath was made to meet the needs of people, and not people to meet the requirements of the Sabbath.”
/ Mark 2:27

“安息⽇是为⼈设⽴的,⼈不是为安息⽇设⽴的。 (⻢可福⾳2:27)

The Pharisees had turned it around. They thought the model was the priority. They lost sight of the purpose of the sabbath – to provide rest!


The Pharisees mission was all about protecting the model and the method. As such, they lost the mission. Of course, they claimed it was Moses model. It was biblical. That’s how they read their Bibles through the lens they had.


But you see, God never intended for the Jews to serve the law. His intent was for them to serve him. The law was a means to that end.


God intended for the Jews to love their neighbours. The law was a means to that end.


The irony is that Jesus died at the hands of men who were convinced they were doing the will of God, people who were committed to protecting and defending the law. Tragically, they protected and defended it to the exclusion of its very purpose.


History is filled with tragic examples of what happens when church people fall in love with a model or method or approach to church and lose sight of why the church even exists.


That same thing can happen today when we confuse methods with the mission.


That’s why it’s vital we all review what it is we do. Is what we are doing in our lives helping or hindering people to follow Jesus? It’s a question we ask all of our ministries: Is what we are doing helping people belong, thrive and renew? The last thing any of us wants is to make it difficult for people to turn to God.


I’ve said it before – but to quote author Francis Shaffer is “The greatest challenge facing the church is to present unchanging truth to a changing world.”/ Francis Schaeffer


Sadly many churches change gospel truth and stay fixed in approaches.


What we need to do is be unchanging in gospel truth and constantly adapt to a changing world.


Models come and go but mission stays the same. Let’s not confuse methods with the mission.


How do we do that?


Ensure we keep Jesus at the centre of life and mission.


It’s so easy to create a list of rules and expectations to define who is part of the church and who is not. These rules can be like fences that define who is in and who is out. What I’ve found is that Church Leaders can spend a lot of time repairing fences that are breaking and trying to identify who is inside the fence and who is outside the fence.


Luke highlights the fences that consumed these Jewish Christians. These weren’t bad things. But, sadly, those fences were preventing people from finding life in Jesus.


Apparently, in the Australian outback, farming stations are so huge that oftentimes, there are no fences to keep the cattle and sheep within the boundary of the station. So, what do the farmers do?


The farmers dig wells to provide water that attracts the livestock to the water sources. The logic is simple. There is no need to fence the cattle in when are intuitively aware of their need for water. They need the water so they stay close to the well – where they know water is bountiful.

So no fences are needed.



Mission Writer, Paul Hiebert, develops this further to describe healthy Christianity as a “centred set” set rather than a “bounded set”.


“Centred Set” versus “Bounded Set”/ Paul Hiebert

“中⼼集”与“有界集”/ Paul Hiebert

What does he mean? He says, in a bounded set you are either in or out. There is an emphasis on the fence. You either fit within the definitions or you don’t. The lines are clear. The goal is to get someone who is on the outside of the line to be on the inside of the line.


Of course, one of the problems is that a person could be seen to believe all the right things and behave in all the right ways and yet not have a relationship with God at all. What happens is that tend to judge people on externals whereas God looks at the heart. This was certainly true of some of the religious people of Jesus’ day, who were theologically orthodox, kept the Law, mostly lived good lives, yet were actually moving away from God.


A healthier approach is what Hiebert calls a Centred-set – where Jesus is the well at the centre. As long as you are moving towards the centre – towards Jesus, any growth and movement is good. Some people may be moving faster or slower, but the goal is to be moving towards the well.


I find this image of wells and fences really helpful.


When you think about it, much of Jesus’ ministry was dismantling the fences that religious people had established so that EVERYONE could come towards God and drink from the Well. Some people took offence at that because the fence gave a sense of protection, and clear list of do’s and don’ts. Jesus emphasised an approach of ‘come to me and find life. Follow after me and you will find in me the source of life and freedom.’


What are some implications of this for us to finish with?


1) You may be new to our church. You may be exploring who Jesus is and not sure whether you’re a Christian or not. That’s okay. We’re delighted you're listening today. We simply want to help you move towards Jesus so that you can hear what He has to say about where life and freedom is found.


2) For me personally, an implication has mean ensuring I stay close to the well. That’s why I have these daily habits of Word and Prayer that feed and nourish my soul – all designed to keep my focus on Jesus – and to draw from the well. To increasingly move towards him on a daily basis.


3) For us as a church, it means the goal in mission is not simply to “get someone converted.” That way of thinking can harm friendships. When we genuinely love people and have their best interests at heart, our motive will be to help them in any way we can. How can we help them move just a little closer to Jesus? How can I dig a well that will attract people to the water of life that Jesus provides for all to quench their spiritual thirst? How can I point to the well and avoid the need for fences?


4) And of course, ensuring we don’t confuse methods with the mission.


So, this is seismic shift #9: Mission. When you’re committed to the mission, you sometimes have to change your strategy.


So, that’s the end of our Acts series.


But, there is a sense where Luke is inviting you and me to step into the next chapter in the story, a chapter that is currently being written. And are the actors in this real ongoing story.


Luke didn’t write this as a history of the early church. Remember, he wrote this riveting story so that ordinary women and men today – you and me - can realise that Jesus continues to place the gospel into the hands of ordinary people.


If these first Christians could accomplish so much in so short a space of time with such skimpy resources, zero buildings, and huge cultural challenges – what might we do today with the same vision, faith, and desire?!


The answer to that question is now over to you and me.


Let’s pray.



- Quiet your heart for a moment.

- Get rid of the clutter in your head.

- Perhaps place your hands out in a posture of humility and receiving.

- 让你的⼼静⼀静。

- 摆脱你头脑中的混乱。

- 也许你会以谦卑的姿势伸出⼿来接受。

Come Holy Spirit.

You empowered these first Christians to have such a profound impact.

We want that to see radical gospel transformation happen in our life-time.




So, help us now to step into the roles we play.


May each of these 9 seismic shifts be traits in our lives, in our households, and in your church at Gracecity.


In jesus name,






