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Kia ora Gracecity. Wonder if you’ve ever seen this bumper sticker?


Now we probably all agree that really isn’t the best measurement of a life well lived. That’s not really what life is all about. But that begs Q: what is life all about? What is our calling, purpose?

Why are we here?


We are in this series called “Resilient,” looking at NT letter called 1 Peter. Last two weeks looked at Our Destiny, future – where are we going? And Identity – Who am I? And when take 1st 2 Q’s, find Peter tells us that children of God, headed for amazing future and hope in new heavens and new earth. But raises this Question dealing with today – what about present. Why am I here, now? What’s calling, purpose?


And that’s what Peter turns to next in letter. Answers’ that Q in next couple of verses, 1 Peter 2:11-12, and then next few paragraphs fleshes out in terms of what might look like diff. areas of life. So let’s look first at how Peter answers that Q in 1 Peter 2:11-12.


Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul. Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us. 1 Peter 2:11-12

亲爱的,你们是客旅,是寄居的,我劝你们要禁戒⾁体的情欲;这情欲是与灵魂争战的。 你们在外邦⼈中要品⾏端正,好让那些⼈,虽然毁谤你们是作恶的,会因看⻅你们的好⾏为⽽在鉴察的⽇⼦归荣耀给上帝。(彼得前书2:11-12)

Notice how Peter describes his friends reading letter – “foreigners and exiles.” Already called them “exiles” in opening greetings of letter in 1:1. Now adds to that. Talking about that sense they felt being on margins, ostracised for faith in Jesus, beginning to feel persecution and suffering for Jesus’ name.


Perhaps you hear those words, “foreigners and exiles,” and react against that. Don’t like idea of being on margins, pushed to side, seen as irrelevant. But wonder if we need to acknowledge that that’s increasingly true in society around us.


In our own day it is becoming increasingly difficult to live as a Christian. It feels more and more that we

are exiles in a world we once called our own. Our culture seems to misunderstand us more and more, and to malign and mock us more and more. Juan Sanchez


So how should we respond to this sense of being ostracised, pushed aside due to faith and beliefs? How live on margins? Some years ago came across this great summary – 4 options:


Fit in / Fight back / Opt out / Stand out


1. Fit in – means become like the world, adopt values & beliefs of society around us. Lower standards to fit in. But remember words from v.11 – “abstain from sinful desires” (v.11)

1. 融⼊——意味着变得像这个世界⼀样,接受我们周围社会的价值观和信仰。降低标准去适应。但是记住11节说的“禁戒邪情私欲”(11节)

2. Fight back – means attack the world. View society around us as enemy, engage in battle for soul of country, community, society. But notice what Peter said about our battle – “which wage war against your soul” (v.11). Jesus didn’t battle Roman empire; undermined it through character, lifestyle.

2. 反击——意思是攻击世界。视周围的社会为敌⼈,为国家、社区、社会的灵魂⽽战。但请注意彼得所说的关于我们的战⽃——“与灵魂为敌”(11节)。耶稣没有与罗⻢帝国作战;⽽是通过品格和⽣活⽅式来破坏它。

3. Opt out – just withdraw from the world. Leave society do down sewer, and set up own little Xian communities – own schools, own media, own businesses; don’t engage. But what Peter say v.12? “live good lives among the pagans” (v.12)


4. Stand out – live differently in the world, but remain in world, even if on margins, even if hated, misunderstood, persecuted. “That they see your good deeds and glorify God” (v.12)

4. 脱颖⽽出——以不同的⽅式⽣活在这个世界上,但仍然留在这个世界上,即使处于社会的边缘,即使被憎恨、误解、迫害。“叫他们看⻅你们的好⾏为⽽荣耀给上帝”(12节)

That final line – see our good deeds and praise God – probably Peter’s way of summarising what Jesus said in famous Sermon on Mount in Matt 5-7.


You are the salt of the earth…

You are the light of the world…

Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:13-16



⼈点灯,不放在⽃底下,⽽是放在灯台上,就照亮⼀家的⼈。 你们的光也要这样照在⼈前,叫他们看⻅你们的好⾏为,把荣耀归给你们在天上的⽗。”(⻢太福⾳5:13-16)

This is our calling as followers of Jesus – to not just fit in, or fight back, or opt out – but to stand out, to be different, and allow God to use that difference to draw people to Himself.


See in v.12 Peter says, “though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds…”

Pastor and author Chuck Swindoll, president of seminary when I studied there, wrote:


牧师兼作家查克·斯温多尔(Chuck Swindoll)曾在我就读时担任神学院院⻓,他写道:

The most convincing defense (against slander) is the silent integrity of our character. Chuck Swindoll


So Peter calls us to not fit in, or fight back, or opt out. Instead, called to stand out through character, lifestyle, good deeds, kindness, generosity. And what just done is told us how to live on margins. This is our calling; this is our mission.


Why am I here? I am here to live a good life for God – secure in my identity in Jesus, sure of my future hope – so that I point people to Jesus. This is Peter’s key idea:






So don’t fight back, attacking people for having different values than you, or society around us.


Don’t opt out, and just decide to have nothing to do with broken or sinful people – Jesus didn’t do that


Don’t fit in, just adopting the values and beliefs of people far from God.


Hold on to biblical teaching, love people around you, disagree with grace, and let words, example, character, lifestyle, kindness – point people to Jesus. That’s our calling


So how do we do that? Well, that’s Peter explains in next 3 paragraphs. Going put very practical, and talk about what needs to look like in real life.


So in vv.13-17, tell us what this means in World, particularly with gov’t


Then in vv.18-25, explain what meant for slaves in Roman empire, which speaks to Workplace for us


Finally, in 3:1-7, going to talk about Home, focusing on marriage relationship


And the key word at start of each section is word “Submit.” Not a word that we generally like in today’s world. We’re all about standing up for rights; not being used by others; standing our ground. And sometimes that’s right course of action to take. But generally, followers of Jesus called to submit.


Word in Greek language means “to place yourself under” someone else. Means choosing to take lowly position, the place of servant. Word that has connotations of humility.


Three key things about submission that need to be stressed:


1. It’s voluntary. Word means you place yourself under; you choose the lowly position. Not, that you’ve forced to serve someone, or you force someone else to submit. Voluntary action of taking humble, lowly place.

1. 这是⾃愿的。意味着你把⾃⼰放在下⾯;你选择了较低的位置。不是说你被强迫服侍别⼈,或者你强迫别⼈服从。是⾃愿接受卑微、低下的地位。

2. More about attitude than anything else. Impacts actions – what we do – but think Peter is going after attitudes more than anything. more about how we approach life and relationships than whatexactly we might do.


3. Includes all of us. If you are follower of Jesus, you called to humbly serve others; to take the low position; to look out for the needs of other people. And because this attitude is so counter-cultural, key way of pointing people to Jesus in world live in.


So firstly, Peter says we are to be signposts in society, in our world, in relation to gov’t.


Point people to Jesus in the world, as a respectful citizen (2:13-17)


Listen to verses 13-15:


Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people. 1 Peter 2:13-15

你们为主的缘故要顺服⼈的⼀切制度,或是在上的君王, 或是君王所派惩恶赏善的官员。 因为上帝的旨意原是要你们以⾏善来堵住糊涂⽆知⼈的⼝。 (彼得前书2:13-15)

We’ve just come through really tough couple of years of global pandemic, and feels like in many parts of world, inc. NZ, more division in society than ever. As look forward, facing more pressures economically, with cost of living rises, house prices falling, interest rates rising, fuel costs going nuts….


And political discussion and debate in middle of all that, become I think more brutal, more partisan, more hurtful, more angry.


How should we engage in that context? Well, Peter calls us to submit to human authority or government; to place ourselves under our government with humility and respect. That means as we engage in debate and discussion about issues in our country and society, we engage with humility and respect.


So doesn’t mean just fit in, and yell at everyone who yells at us in capital letters on social media.


We don’t fight back, making personal attacks on political or civic leaders.


And don’t opt out, and just pull away so that there’s never a Xian voice engaging in civic discussions.


It means stand out through attitude, humility, kindness, respect.


That’s how Peter summarises this paragraph:


Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honour the emperor. 1 Peter 2:17


And by the way, the emperor that Peter was writing about in his letter, was infamous Nero. The emperor who would soon begin persecuting Xians; the guys who threw brothers and sisters to lions; who burned followers of Jesus as living torches in his garden outside Rome. And Peter said, show respect.


So what that means is that regardless of whether you think Jacinda is wonderful, or she’s absolutely horrendous, we are to respect and honour her. That means the way we talk about her to friends, colleagues; the way we express our views on social media; what we choose to share and what don’t.


We are to stand out in this divisive, bitter culture as we engage as respectful, submissive citizens.


Now, does this mean we never oppose government, or disagree with those in power? Not at all? Does mean no place for civil disobedience; that just obey all laws, even if completely immoral? Not at all. When gov’t acts in a way that is contrary to Word of God, our responsibility to say ‘No.’ But even then, with respect, humility, just like Daniel in OT.


We have a right – and even actually a responsibility in a democracy – to play our part in the democratic process. That means we vote and engage and talk – and sometimes we protest and make submissions and even stand for positions of government.


But it’s about HOW we do all of those things. Submission is primarily our attitude – are lowering ourselves and taking humble place or not. Submission is about our attitude, our demeanour, our words and how respectful we are to others.


One of hardest places to practice this is social media. Sad thing is, that over the last year or so, ended up snoozing about dozen friends on Facebook because how engaged in debate with people. And wasn’t what they said; how they said it. And tragedy – all of them were followers of Jesus.


So whatever your views on politics; whichever way you lean and vote; whatever colour you wave at the next election; point people to Jesus in HOW you do that. Be a signpost of grace that stands out.


Peter then jumps into another part of life – work or employment.


Slaves, in reverent fear of God submit yourselves to your masters, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh. For it is commendable if someone bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because they are conscious of God. 1 Peter 2:18-19

你们作奴仆的,凡事要存敬畏的⼼顺服主⼈;不但顺服善良温和的,就是乖僻的也要顺服。 倘若你们为使良⼼对得起上帝,忍受冤屈的痛苦,这是可赞许的。 (彼得前书2:18-19)

Many people that Peter wrote to were slaves. Slavery was incredibly common – maybe third of people across empire in that place. Also little different to images we may have of slavery in American South.


Not racially driven; generally economic. Often buy freedom, which early Christians encouraged, often helped. Slaves often incredibly well-trained and skilled – occupations such as doctors, nurses, teachers, writers, editors, accountants, lawyers, salespeople, overseers or managers, secretaries, sea-captains.

Very similar occupations to many of us today.



At same time, though, slaves still considered property. Could still beaten, hurt, even abused. Which why early Xians did best to encourage and even purchase freedom. But how should followers of Jesus live who were slaves? Well, Peter answers using same word – submit. Voluntarily place yourself under in humility. Take attitude of humble service.


See, slave could opt out and run away, but against the law and dangerous.


Slave could fight back and beat up or kill owner, but Rome really harsh on that.


Could just fit in, and do what other slaves probably did – bare minimum, sloppy work; bad attitude


Or they could stand out, as exemplary examples of hard workers who worked with respect, humility.


Now we don’t have slavery in NZ society, although it still exists in frightening degrees around world, and Xians should engage with ministries or organisations working to free people from modern slavery. But we do work in similar occupations in workplaces of all kinds. So Peter would say:


Point people to Jesus in the workplace, as a model employee (2:18-25)


So does the way you work point people to Jesus?


Does your attitude in your place help stand apart from others?


Do you voluntarily place yourself beneath others, and take humble path? Choose to serve others?


Or do you opt out, and do the bare minimum?


Or do you fight back, and undermine the boss or fellow employee behind back?


Or do you just fit in, and adopt the same casual don’t-care attitude as others?


See, invitation of Peter is to walk into work tomorrow with this calling:






Finally, Peter says, point people to Jesus not just in the world as a respectful citizen, and in the workplace

as a model employee, but in the home as a selfless spouse.



Point people to Jesus in the home, as a selfless spouse (3:1-7)


Look at what he writes in 3:1-4:


Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behaviour of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives. Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewellery or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. 1 Peter 3:1-4

同样,你们作妻⼦的,要顺服⾃⼰的丈夫,这样,即使有不信从道理的丈夫,也会因妻⼦的品⾏,并⾮⾔语,⽽感化过来, 因为看⻅了你们敬虔纯洁的品⾏。 你们不要藉外表来妆饰⾃⼰,如编头发,戴⾦饰,穿美丽的⾐裳等, ⽽要有蕴藏在⼈内⼼不衰退的美,以温柔娴静的⼼妆饰⾃⼰;这在上帝⾯前是极宝贵的。 (彼得前书3:1-4)

Now, these verses have sparked huge debate and wrong thinking, and sadly even abuse and misogyny, when shouldn’t. Peter is simply saying the same thing for the third time, about a different sphere of life. We’ve been called to submit as citizens to our gov’t, and engage with honour and respect.


Been called to submit as employees and workers, attitude of service and humility, hard work.


Now called to submit in marriage and relationships; voluntarily lower selves in humility and service.


But this is wives! What about husbands?? Actually, it’s all of us – husbands and wives. Look v.7.

但这是说妻⼦!丈夫呢? ?事实上,是我们所有⼈,丈夫和妻⼦。看第7节。

Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers. 1 Peter 3:7


Notice that opening phrase? “In the same way,” which in context is referencing this continual call to submission. And in patriarchal culture that Peter was writing in, that was revolutionary. Men, husbands, held all the power. Women were treated like chattel, property. But for a wife to be voluntarily humbling herself and serving her husband, and at the same time a believing husband was lowering himself to love and serve his wife – that would have been absolutely mind-blowing in ancient world. And still incredibly incredibly rare and powerful today!


And by way, this can be true regardless of your living situation.

So if living at home with parents, you can submit; humble yourself, choose to serve.

In flatting situation, can do same.




See, what Peter trying to show in this part of letter, is this our calling in every sphere and part of life – stand out because of character, kindness, compassion, commitment, integrity – point people to Jesus.






See, this what Peter’s going for – in his world, people looked out for themselves. They were selfish.


So when these followers of Jesus who were on margins, and mocked and ridiculed, when they started living these kinds of lives, people took notice.


This was different. These followers weren’t just fitting in and going with crowd.


They weren’t fighting back when maligned or ridiculed; humbly serving their enemies.


And weren’t opting out and moving away; engaging with others and caring for broken.


And because of that, they stood out; they were signposts of grace, pointing people to Jesus.


And this is our calling too – as signposts of grace, pointing people to Jesus.


So as finish, want ask 2 Q’s:


1. Is there area / sphere / part of life, not doing great job pointing people to Jesus?

There part of life when tended to fit in rather than be different? Or fight back when should humbly served? Or opted out instead staying engaged? What God whispering to you?

1.在⽣命的某个领域/部分,是否没有很好地指引⼈们⾛向耶稣? ⽣活的某⼀部分你是否倾向于融⼊⽽不是与众不同?或者在应该谦卑服侍的时候选择反击?或者选择退出⽽不是保持参与?上帝在对你窃窃私语什么?

2. Is there part of life doing this well? Can look back over last few days, last week, and think of circumstance where did honour God, lower yourself, point people to Jesus. Thank Him. 这是⽣活的


And as go into week ahead – social media this afternoon, engaging family tonight, heading workplace tomorrow – take this mindset with you – this image of sign.


Signposts of grace, pointing people to Jesus.




