Kia ora Gracecity. Most of us are probably familiar with this game, Jenga.
Was invented in early 1980’s by British woman, Leslie Scott, who was born and raised in Tanzania, Africa. Based on game their family invented at home, and she took name “Janga” from Swahili word, “Kujenga,” which means “to build.” Point of game is to pull block as out from tower and stack on top as high as can before comes tumbling down.
这个游戏是在80年代初由在⾮洲坦桑尼亚出⽣⻓⼤的英国⼈Leslie Scot发明的。这个游戏是基于他们家庭在家⾥发明的游戏,她从斯瓦希⾥语的“Kujenga”这个词中取了“Jenga”这个名字,意思是“构建”。游戏的重点是,从积⽊塔中抽出⼀块积⽊并且放到塔顶,去创造⼀个不段增⾼,越来越失去根基的积⽊塔,直到积⽊塔倾倒。
In many ways this is a brilliant metaphor for life of King Solomon, third king of Israel that we’re looking at in our “Royals” series.
– Solomon
What want do today is survey his life from opening 11 chapters of book of 1 Kings in Bible. And want to suggest that Solomon’s life was a life …
Solomon’s life was a story of grace and privilege
Solomon was incredibly graced by God. Show you that as we walk through the highpoints of his story.
1. God gifted him the throne of Israel. The irony is that Solomon, from an earthly perspective, should never have been king. According to the later book of 1 Chronicles, King David had multiple wives and 19 sons. And while we’re not sure of the exact chronological order of most of them, we can say that Solomon wasn’t one of the oldest 6. So, he was way back in pack somewhere, and in ancient world, where oldest son generally inherited throne, Solomon had no chance.
1. 神赐给他以⾊列的宝座。具有讽刺意味的是,从世俗的⻆度来看,所罗⻔本不应该成为国王。根据历代志上后来的记载,⼤卫王有多个妻⼦和19个⼉⼦。虽然我们不确定他们中的⼤多数⼈的确切时间顺序,但我们可以说所罗⻔不是最年⻓的6⼈之⼀。所以,他排在后⾯某个位置,⽽在古代,⻓⼦通常继承王位,所罗⻔没有机会。
But well before he was even born, Yahweh made an incredible promise to King David. David wanted to build a temple for Yahweh in Jerusalem, his capital, but God said no. Instead, God promised that one of David sons would build it, and that David’s line would continue to rule Israel. And one day, a ruler would come from David’s line who would reign forever, which the NT shows us is Jesus.
Now this unconditional promise, this Davidic Covenant, is found in 2 Samuel 7. But a version is also found in this other book in our Bibles called 1 Chronicles. And in 1 Chron 22 we read,
But you will have a son who will be a man of peace and rest, and I will give him rest from all his enemies on every side. His name will be Solomon, and I will grant Israel peace and quiet during his reign. He is the one who will build a house for my Name. He will be my son, and I will be his father. And I will establish the throne of his kingdom over Israel forever. 1 Chronicles 22:9-10
看哪,你要⽣⼀个⼉⼦,他必成为安宁的⼈;我必使他得享安宁,不被四围仇敌扰乱。他的名字要叫所罗⻔,在他的⽇⼦,我必使以⾊列平安康泰。 他必为我的名建造殿宇。他要作我的⼦,我要作他的⽗。我必坚定他国度的王位,使他治理以⾊列,直到永远。’ (历代志上22:9-10 )
Months of years before he was even born, Yahweh promised the throne to Solomon – a gift of incredible, undeserved grace.
2. God also gifted him an unbelievable wish. Early in his reign, Yahweh appeared to him in a vision and made an amazing offer:
2. 上帝还给了他⼀个难以置信的愿望。在他统治的早期,耶和华在异象中向他显现,并给了他奇妙的供应。
At Gibeon Yahweh appeared to Solomon during the night in a dream, and God said, ‘Ask for whatever you want me to give you.’ 1 Kings 3:5
在基遍,耶和华夜间在梦中向所罗⻔显现;上帝说:“你愿我赐你什么,你可以求。” (列王纪上3:5)
This is like an “Aladdin” moment – granting him a wish, any wish. But he doesn’t ask for wealth or prestige or long life – he asks for wisdom – the knowledge and skill to lead well. And Yahweh grants him divine wisdom, so that Solomon is one of wisest people to have ever lived.
3. He also graces him with an amazing opportunity – to lead Israel to level of greatness and blessing never know. In 4:20-21 we read,
The people of Judah and Israel were as numerous as the sand on the seashore; they ate, they drank and they were happy. And Solomon ruled over all the kingdoms from the River Euphrates to the land of the Philistines, as far as the border of Egypt. 1 Kings 4:20-21
犹⼤⼈和以⾊列⼈如同海边的沙那样多,都吃喝快乐。 所罗⻔统治诸国,从⼤河到⾮利⼠地,直到埃及的边界。所罗⻔在世的⽇⼦,这些国都向他进贡,服事他。(列王纪上4:20-21)
These verses creating an idyllic scene. But also an important theological one. Way back on first book of Bible, Yahweh had made an incredible promise to Abraham, the forefather of nation of Israel. Promised him three things – descendants like sand on seashore, the land of Canaan as their land, and blessing that would extend to all nations. And writer of Kings is skilfully echoing that promise – the first 2 promises of descendants and land have now been fulfilled. Raising question – under Solomon, would Israel now fulfil final part of Abrahamic covenant to bless whole world?
Theologian Tom Schreiner says, “It seemed that universal blessing was just around the corner.”
神学家Tom Schreiner说:“似乎全世界的祝福就在眼前。”
4. On top of all that, Yahweh gives him privilege of building temple. Remember, this is what his father David desperately wanted to do. But God had said no, Solomon will do that. And this becomes high point of Solomon’s reign – chaps. 5-8 of 1 Kings report in detail the preparation, building and then dedication of this magnificent place of worship.
4. 最重要的是,耶和华给了他建造圣殿的特权。记住,这是他的⽗亲⼤卫迫切想要做的。但神说,不,所罗⻔会建的。这成为了所罗⻔统治的最⾼点——列王纪上5–8章详细报告了这个宏伟敬拜场所的准备、建造和落成。
And after 7 years of construction, when temple finally dedicated, read in 1 Kings 8:10-11,
When the priests withdrew from the Holy Place, the cloud filled the temple of Yahweh. And the priests could not perform their service because of the cloud, for the glory of Yahweh filled his temple. 1 Kings 8:10-11
祭司从圣所出来的时候,有云充满耶和华的殿, 祭司因云彩的缘故不能站⽴供职,因为耶和华的荣光充满了耶和华的殿。 (列王纪上8:10-11)
These verses deliberately echo the climax of book of Exodus, when people of Israel built a special tent of worship called the tabernacle. This was a portable temple so that Yahweh could live among His people, and they could worship Him. And right at end of Exodus, in final chapter, they dedicate tabernacle and glory of God moves from top of Mt Sinai and fills the tent.
Now the same thing happens again. The temple replaced that portable tent of worship, but God shows His delight in filling the temple with glory. What a privilege Solomon was graced with.
5. In addition, Solomon was graced with honour, wealth and prestige. 1 Kings 9-10 detail the final years of his life and describe the wealth and prestige and reputation of Solomon. This is when mystical figure of Queen of Sheba appears, but she is just one visitor among hundreds who come to meet and learn from Solomon. His reputation grows, wealth sky-rockets – his life looks in earthly term’s, a huge success.
5. 此外,所罗⻔还享有荣誉、财富和声望。列王记上9-10章详细描述了所罗⻔晚年的⽣活,描述了他的财富、声望和名声。这是示巴⼥王的神秘形象出现的时候,但她只是数百名前来⻅所罗⻔并向他学习的访问者中的⼀个。他的名声越来越好,财富越来越多——⽤俗世的术语来说,他的⼀⽣看起来⾮常成功。
Solomon’s life was a story of grace and privilege
And on top of all that, there’s perhaps greatest privilege of all. A couple of weeks when Reuben Munn launched the series with King Saul, he talked about insecurity and knowing that you are loved by God.
在这⼀切之上,也许还有最⼤的特权。⼏周前当Reuben Munn牧师在这⼀系列讲道中讲到扫罗王的时候,他谈到了不安全感以及知道⾃⼰被上帝所爱。
That was Solomon’s privilege.
See, his parents were David and Bathsheba. David had sinned horrendously by talking another man’s wife, and ultimately having him killed. And the child that Bathsheba was pregnant with ended up dying, because God could not be seen to be blessing what David had done. But then in 2 Samuel 12 we read,
Then David comforted his wife Bathsheba, and he went to her and made love to her. She gave birth to a son, and they named him Solomon. Yahweh loved him; and because Yahweh loved him, he sent word through Nathan the prophet to name him Jedidiah. 2 Samuel 12:24-25
⼤卫安慰他的妻⼦拔示巴,与她同房,她就⽣了⼉⼦,给他起名叫所罗⻔。耶和华喜爱他, 就藉拿单先知赐他⼀个名字,叫耶底底亚;这是为了耶和华的缘故。(撒⺟⽿记下12:24-25)
Yahweh gives the newborn son of David and Bathsheba a nickname. They named him Solomon, which comes from the Hebrew word “shalom” meaning “peace.” Yahweh, however, give him his own special name – Jedidiah. It means, “beloved of Yahweh.” The very name that Yahweh places over his life reminded him throughout his lifetime that he was loved by God.
Solomon’s life was a story of grace and privilege
But his life wasn’t as stable or as secure as it might have looked. His life was like a tower of Jenga blocks.
Slide 10 Solomon’s life was a story of grace and privilege. But it was ultimately dismantled through a series of poor choices and small compromises
Sadly, despite the privilege and possibilities that he had been graced with, Solomon made a number of compromising decisions through his life that ultimately brought his life crashing down. And it wasn’t just the end of his life – it was all the way through. So let me go back and pinpoint a few of these moments that the writer of Kings highlights for us.
For example, after he received this incredible gift of wisdom, the narrator shows us evidence of this wisdom as he dispenses justice, and organises his kingdom, and so on. So at the start of ch.4 there’s a list of Solomon’s cabinet officials – his key men.
1 So King Solomon ruled over all Israel. And these were his chief officials …
Adoniram son of Abda – in charge of forced labour. 1 Kings 4:6
所罗⻔作全以⾊列的王。 这些是他的官员:…
Did you hear that – “forced labour.” Solomon has brought into the nation of Israel something it had never experienced before – conscription. The reason he will completely so many building projects in his life is because the people are virtually forced into servitude.
And then in the next sentence you read:
Solomon had twelve district governors over all Israel, who supplied provisions for the king and the royal household. Each one had to provide supplies for one month in the year. 1 Kings 4:7
所罗⻔在全以⾊列有⼗⼆个官员,供给王和王室的⻝物,每年各⼈供给⼀个⽉。 (列王纪上4:7)
Back before King Saul became king, and the people came to the prophet Samuel asking for a ruler, Samuel warned them that a king would take their land and their crops, their daughters as servants and this sons as soldiers. And that’s exactly what Solomon is doing. In fact, the wording of this verse deliberately echoes the words of Samuel. And the tragedy is that Solomon will become incredibly wealthy, but he will continue to tax from their people and take their food and produce through his reign.
Then later in the same chapter you read about another compromise:
Solomon had fourthousand stalls for chariot horses, and twelve thousand horses. 1 Kings 4:26
所罗⻔拥有给战⻋⽤的四万个⻢棚,还有⼀万⼆千名骑兵。 (列王纪上4:26)
In the video introducing Solomon’s story, they mention God’s commands to the kings in the book of Deuteronomy. Before the nation even entered the land, Moses had given them commands for the future kings that they would have, in what’s known as “the law of the king.” It’s found in Deut 17, and it specifically commands the future kings of Israel to not do three things. One of them is to not accumulate large numbers of horses and chariots.
Why? Because horses and chariots were the backbone of a standing army; they were the equivalent of tanks and so on. And if Israel had a huge army, they would always be tempted to trust in the size of their army – the number of horses and chariots – instead of trusting in Yahweh their God. But Solomon ignores that, and deliberately disobeys God’s Word and accumulates an army.
Not only that, but remember we talked about this amazing temple he built? 4 chapters of 1 Kings are dedicated to describing this momentous project. But in the middle of those chapters we’re told something incredibly disturbing. We read, beginning at the end of 1 Kings 6,
The foundation of the temple of the Lord was laid in the fourth year, in the month of Ziv. In the eleventh year in the month of Bul, the eighth month, the temple was finished in all its details according to its specifications. He had spent seven years building it. It took Solomon thirteen years, however, to complete the construction of his palace. 1 Kings 6:37 – 7:1
所罗⻔在位第四年⻄弗⽉,⽴了耶和华殿的根基。 到⼗⼀年布勒⽉,就是⼋⽉,殿和⼀切属殿的都按着样式造成。他建殿共⽤了七年。所罗⻔为⾃⼰建造宫殿,⼗三年⽅才建成整座宫殿。 (列王纪上6:37–7:1 )
Do you notice what the narrator tells us? It took Solomon 7 years to build the temple for Yahweh, but almost twice as long to build his own palace complex. And what’s remarkable is that chronologically, the building of the palace doesn’t start until after the temple is finished, which would be after chapter 8. But the narrator puts it in as a note right in the middle of the temple story. Why? Because there’s something wrong with Solomon’s priorities.
Sure, he builds the temple first. But he spends twice as much time and effort and resources and energy building his own house, and looking after his own comfort. There’s something out of whack with Solomons heart.
And that gets brought out again in chapter 9-10 – those chapters that talk about the final years of Solomon’s reign, when he has wealth and honour and reputation. But again, the narrator skilfully tells the story to highlight something else that amiss. Listen to the words of one OT scholar:
What is particularly striking about 1 Kings 9-10 when compared with 1 Kings 4-5 is the manner in which the authors go out of their way in 4-5 to emphasise that the prosperity of the king was shared with his subjects. This is a theme that is noticeable for its absence in 9-10, where all the emphasis lies upon the luxury of the royal court. God may well have given Solomon riches, but has he used them wisely?- Iain Provan
与列王纪上4-5章相⽐,列王纪上9-10章特别引⼈注⽬的是,作者在4-5章中特别强调国王的繁荣是与他的⾂⺠共享的。这是⼀个值得注意的主题,因为它并没有出现在9-10章,9–10章重点是在皇家宫廷的奢侈。上帝也许给了所罗⻔财富,但他是否有明智地使⽤这些财富呢?-Iain Provan
And of all this brings us to the final chapter, the last years of Solomon’s life, when it call comes crashing down. 1 Kings chapter 11. Listen to how the chapter begins:
King Solomon, however, loved many foreign women besides Pharaoh’s daughter – Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians and Hittites. They were from nations about which Yahweh had told the Israelites, ‘You must not intermarry with them, because they will surely turn your hearts after their gods.’ Nevertheless, Solomon held fast to them in love. He had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines, and his wives led him astray. 1 Kings 11:1-3
所罗⻔王在法⽼的⼥⼉之外,⼜宠爱许多外邦⼥⼦,就是摩押⼥⼦、亚扪⼥⼦、以东⼥⼦、⻄顿⼥⼦、赫⼈⼥⼦。 论到这些国的⼈,耶和华曾吩咐以⾊列⼈说:“你们不可跟他们通婚,他们也不可跟你们在⼀起,因为他们⼀定会诱惑你们的⼼去随从他们的神明。”所罗⻔却为了爱,紧紧跟从他们。 所罗⻔娶七百个公主,三百个妃嫔。这些妻妾诱惑他的⼼。 (列王纪上11:1-3)
Remember the “law of the king” from Deut 17? It prohibited the future kings doing three things. God had said, don’t accumulate horses an chariots. Don’t accumulate huge amounts of gold and wealth. And don’t accumulate multiple wives, particularly from other nations.
And Solomon was guilty of doing all three! And don’t misunderstand – God was not against marriage to people from outside Israel, if they have come to faith in Him. One of Solomon’s own ancestors was the Moabitess Ruth, whose story is told in the Bible. She was a wonderful woman of faith.
But God forbade the kings to marry multiple women from other nations, because He didn’t want the hearts of the kings to be lead astray. But that’s exactly what happened.
As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to Yahweh his God, as the heart of David his father had been. He followed Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and Molek the detestable god of the Ammonites. So Solomon did evil in the eyes of Yahweh; he did not follow Yahweh completely, as David his father had done. 1 Kings 11:4-6
所罗⻔年⽼的时候,他的妻妾诱惑他的⼼去随从别神,不像他⽗亲⼤卫以纯正的⼼顺服耶和华—他的上帝。 所罗⻔随从⻄顿⼈的⼥神亚斯她录和亚扪⼈可憎的⽶勒公。 所罗⻔⾏耶和华眼中看为恶的事,不像他⽗亲⼤卫专⼼顺从耶和华。 (列王纪上11:4-6)
Notice that Solomon doesn’t just allow his wives to worship idols – he joins them in their idolatry. He turns his back on Yahweh and turns to other false gods. Now I knew that this is where his story went, but I had never clicked to what the author of 1 Kings tells us next:
On a hill east of Jerusalem, Solomon built a high place for Chemosh the detestable god of Moab, and for Molek the detestable god of the Ammonites. He did the same for all his foreign wives, who burned incense and offered sacrifices to their gods. 1 Kings 11:7-8
那时,所罗⻔为摩押可憎的基抹和亚扪⼈可憎的摩洛,在耶路撒冷对⾯的⼭上建造丘坛。 他为所有的妻妾,就是那些向⾃⼰神明烧⾹献祭的外邦⼥⼦,也是这样做。(列王纪上11:7-8)
The hill to the east of Jerusalem is the well-known Mount of Olives. So Solomon built the temple to Yahweh on one mountain, Zion, and then a temple to Molech on the neighbouring Mount Of Olives. Molech was a god that demanded child sacrifice, and at the end of his life Solomon chose to worship it.
Now it’s possible to look at how Solomon’s life ended and assume that he made some bad choices at the finish. But it wasn’t just the finish. What Kings shows is that he made these choices, these decisions, these compromises, right through his life. It was a series of poor choices and small compromises that ultimately dismantled his life.
Solomon’s life was a story of grace and privilege. But it was ultimately dismantled through a series of poor choices and small compromises
You may have heard the illustration before of a boat leading port and heading due north. Only their compass is slightly out, and they end up just 1 or 2 degrees off course. To begin with its not a problem – a matter of mere metres from where they should be. But as they sail across the ocean, and get into the northern Pacific, that boat will end hundreds of miles from where they intended to be.
That’s the nature of compromise – the little choices, the seemingly small decisions, that just take us 1 or 2 degrees off course. So let me ask you, “are there any areas of your life right now where you’re compromising, making poor decisions, just getting a degree or two of track?”
Honesty – one little fib, small exaggerations, but end up with life of shading truth and no one believes
Romance – start out well, boundaries get pushed, little further each time, living together
Biblical truth – feel pressure of every-changing society, soften beliefs, change values a little, off track
So what’s the answer? Ironically it’s Solomon himself who told us in the book of Proverbs – wisdom.
Godly wisdom prevents small compromises dismantling our lives
Now of course, Solomon was blessed with wisdom. But he failed to live his life with godly wisdom. What’s godly wisdom. Again, it’s what Solomon himself described:
The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction…
The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Proverbs 1:7; 9:10
敬畏耶和华是智慧的开端,认识⾄圣者便是聪明。(箴⾔1:7 ;9:10 )
It’s possible to misunderstand the point of these verses. Listen to the words of my favourite prof:
This phrase is not saying that ‘the fear of Yahweh is the beginning…’ as if that was simply the first step.
Rather, the concept of fearing Yahweh is the principle that permeates everything in biblical wisdom. In other words, a person could do everything else taught in Proverbs, but if they do not fear Yahweh, they are not biblically wise. It is the organizing principle of life. -Ron Allen
That is Solomon’s life. He had tremendous wisdom and knowledge, but he very slowly lost the awe and fear of Yahweh. The heart of worship and love that characterised his father David slowly ebbed away.
He didn’t intend his life to end up dismantled with a legacy of sin and brokenness. But that’s what happened.
Godly wisdom prevents small compromises dismantling our lives [big idea]
That’s the lesson of the life of Solomon.